Chapter 11: The Day Of...Awkwardness

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Elena's P.O.V

"Damon!" I cry with laughter as he hovers over my body and starts tickling my sides chuckling down at me as I cry with hysterics.

"Please s- Stop I will do anything!" I laugh tears coming to my eyes.

He stops tickling me and stares down at me with a serious expression on his face.

"Anything?" He whispers as he moves his face closer to mine, my breath hitches at the little space between are faces and his warm minty breath fans over my face making me shiver.

I gulp and my heart beat picks up as his face inches closer down towards mine only a few centimetres between our lips.

"Yes, no, I- I don't know" I whimper and feel myself blush at the position we are in.

"I, I.. I mean umm... Yes" I breath out and divert my gaze to his memorizing blue eyes.

He smirks before he leans his face down to mine, My eyelids subconsciously flutter close and I open my mouth to take in a quick hitched breath and then he leans fully in and then stops. His lips millimetres from touching mine and he stops and...

pokes me..


"What are you doing?" I ask in shock and look up to see his face away from mine now and his hand coming back and forth from my cheek poking me.

"Damon what the hell?" I mumble, he smirks at me and leans down near my ear his plump firm lips brushing my ear making me shiver in pleasure as he whispers.

"Pretty Elena" and starts poking my face again.

"Pretty Elena!" He repeats a little louder this time.

"Stop Damon" I say and try stop him wriggling from underneath him.


"PRETTY ELENA WAKE UP!" My eyes fly open and I take in my surroundings and see Molly sitting cross legged on top of my figure poking me.

It was just a dream.

Why the hell would I dream about Damon and I kissing? I mean it's totally, completely weird, I know yes he is very attractive, no just attractive, scrap the very attractive. I groan and sit up in my bed and rub my temple with my two index fingers.

I take in deep ragged breaths and wipe off the formed sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand and smile awkwardly at Molly after I have regained my composure.

"Finally your awake! You weren't waking up!" Molly pouts and crawl off my body and stands up on the end of my king bed, her blond hair ruffled and fluffy from sleep.

"I'm sorry Moll" I exhale and push the duvet and sheets of my body and swing my legs off the side of the bed and stand up and run a hand through my messy bed hair, I walk over to my dressing table and look in the mirror.

My brown normally wavy hair is curly and sticking out in different directions with massive knots through it, my eyes are dull with big bags underneath both off them, I sigh and wipe my hands over my face slowly, why the hell would I dream about that? What if that was actually real? it sure felt real, I'm going to be taking some sleeping pills tonight in any hope of not having that dream again. I shudder and turn to Molly and smile.

"How was your sleep Molly?" I question her sweetly.

"It was ok" She states simply and jumps off my bed and runs out my bedroom door shouting.

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