(y/n) Comes To Cappy Town

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Fresh air... healthy, trees... and a big, beautiful, castle. This is now your new home, starting from today, and it already looks amazing.

You head towards the plaza in the middle and see two children fighting over a pink... thing. 

"Give him, Tiff! You already know he doesn't wanna have tea parties and read about girly princesses!"

"Well, at least Kirby will learn more with me than with you, Tuff!"

They're both pulling the pink thing by his stubby little 'hands' and WHOSH! He goes flying into the sky, screaming. The girl, Tiff, puts her hands on her hips and looks at the young boy.

"Now look what you've done. Kirby's gone flying in the air! He's probably at Castle Dedede right now!"

"It's not my fault you were pulling him so hard. Also didn't he go flying in your direction?"

"That's not the point, Tuff!"

She sighs. Then, she looks in your direction "Hey," She starts walking towards you, "I've never seen you around here? You're new, right?"

You look at her and smile, "Yeah, I just moved in. You can call me (y/n)!" Tiff shakes your hand, "Nice to meet you, (y/n)! My name is Tiff!"

"Is it short for Tiffany...?"

"Nope! Just Tiff! I get that a lot, haha..."

The boy looks at you and exclaims, "I'm Tuff!"

"Tuff, huh? Nice to meet you." "That's a weird name... I wonder what his parents are like..."

"Hey, (y/n)," Tiff says, "Our friend Kirby went... flying towards Castle Dedede. Do you want to come with us to help find him? It'll be a good way for you to get used to this new place and all!"

"Sure, why not?"

"Oh," Tuff starts, "I can give you plenty of reasons not. 1. No one in the whole wide world would want to go to Castle Dedede willingly! 2-"

"Shut up, Tuff! I'm sorry about him, (y/n). He's annoying, although he's not partially wrong..."

"Oh, alright." "What do you mean he's not partially wrong...?"

You, Tiff, and Tuff make your way to Castle Dedede to find their friend. On the way, you meet a cheerful mayor, a beautiful fortune teller, a fun chef, and some others. After about ten minutes of walking, you finally make it to the castle. The gates are open, so you all just walk in.

"Kirby!! Where are you!?" Tiff yells.

"Yeah Kirby! Come on out!!" Tuff joins in.

You don't really feel like yelling, because, you know, you're in a damn castle and you have a basic knowledge of manners. Then suddenly, a man with a goatee and mustache comes out of a door with their little pink friend. Tiff and Tuff gasp, "Escargoon!?"

"That's right Tiffy and Tuffy, I've got you're little friend," He holds Kirby up in the air and spins, "The king's gonna be so happy with me! Maybe I'll even get a raise!" He stops spinning and looks at you.

He stops smiling and studies you for a while. His face turns red and he runs off with Kirby. "(y/n), Tuff, we have to get Kirby back!" 

"R-right!" You yell back.

You and them start running to the direction Escargoon was at. You start to think, "Escargoon..? Is it not Escargot..? Is he the king's goon? Did his parents name him that because they knew he was going to be the kings goon?"

You all finally catch up to him. Tiff looks at him and says, "Now, Escargoon! Give him back, now! We've got you cornered!" "Yeah!" Tuff backs her up. You look at the snail in disappointment, then give Kirby a closer look. "It's.... What is that...? It's definitely not a fruit, because it's moving. I'll ask later."

Escargoon looks at you with his face all red, then yells at Tiff, "Take him, okay!? I'll leave you four alone for now, I promise!"

"For now!?" Tuff yells.

Escargoon looks annoyed and quietly speaks, "Yes 'for now' now scram you little twerp." He then looks at you one more time, then looks down. 

"Great we got Kirby back! This is great, Tiff!"

"Yeah, but just know, from now on, we can't fight over him. He's the same as us, Tuff. No different."

Tuff chuckles, "Yeah, except for fact he eats everything in his path."

You walk with them and ask, "So, Tiff, Tuff, where do you two live? I could walk you guys home, if that's okay." They both agree and let you walk them home. Turns out they actually live in the castle, so you didn't really have to walk too long.

After you drop them off, you walk back to the first floor of the castle. Once you get there, you hear someone clear their throat. 


You turn to see Escargoon leaning by the wall. He then falls down.

"Ouchie..." He rubs his head. You look at him in concern, "Are you okay? Escargoon, was it?"

He looks at you and smiles wryly, 

"Heh. You actually remembered my name..."

Fortune? Reality? Or Both? (Escargoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now