First Impressions with The King

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Escargoon backs up and looks at the shadow,

"Ah! Sire...!"

Since he called the man 'sire', you assume this is the King Dedede he was talking about. The king looks at Escargoon with a menacing smile, then looks at you, 

"Who is this, Escargoon? They your family comin' to visit?"

"Y-your highness... Not exactly... They just moved in, so I thought I'd be a gentleman and walk them home..."

Dedede cackles, "You!? A gentleman? Don't make me laugh, Escargoon!" Escargoon looks embarrassed and uncomfortable as Dedede continues to laugh at him. You want to stand up for him, but you're never really the type to stand up to people. You would, but you wouldn't want to get made fun of too... But this is where you need to stand up, I mean, the guy walked you home! That is so nice.

 You decide. You're going to stand up for him, "Hey, Dedede...?"

He stops laughing and looks at you, "What you want?"

Ah shit, you didn't think he'd be that intimidating when he looks at you. Escargoon's looking at you with hopeful eyes. "I have to say something... Right...? I can't just talk and then say 'nevermind'! Well, maybe I could... Ahhh this is the worst!"

"U-uh... Stop... p-picking on... him....?"

"What'd you say?!"

You're scared your going to get bashed for this. Then Dedede scratches his head,

"That last part was quiet. What'd you say?" The king's starting to look annoyed waiting for an answer, and Escargoon lost his hope. You have no idea what to do, so you try and change the subject, because that always works, right? Right? Right!?

"Thanks for walking me home, Escargoon! Uhh... You're really nice! And, King Dedede! I just wanted to say it's been a pleasure meeting you! Yeah! Uh... Goodbye!"

You then speed walk into your new home and accidentally slam the door. "They... hate me." 

You're super annoyed at yourself. "Was that really the best I could do...?"  You think to yourself. You would usually go to sleep around this time, but the house obviously didn't come with furniture. Whatever.

You stop being picky, and go to sleep on the floor.

The next day, you wake up with loud trumpets playing, and a speech that sound like Dedede's voice. "Am I dead...?"  You put on whatever looks presentable and head to where the sound is coming from, the plaza.

"-Have a new resident in Dreamland! I'd like to welcome this citizen, and- Oh! There they are now! Welcome (y/n)!" You're super confused.

Little orange things are playing trumpets, the king is giving a speech about welcoming you into Dreamland while standing on a car, all of Cappy Town's citizens are watching, and Escargoon is next to the king, looking annoyed.

Dedede then jumps off of the car and raises your hand, "Everybody, welcome (y/n)!" Confetti then bursts out and everyone starts clapping for you.

"Just what the hell is going on..?"

Fortune? Reality? Or Both? (Escargoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now