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King Dedede bursts into your new room. You jump up,

"Ah! What are you doing here, sire?"

He looks at you with a mischievous look on his face, "Oh nothing... I was just a wonderin' if you could sign this paper."

He hands you the paper, it reads:


I hereby declare that I will never be able to unsign the contract because my signature will be on this here contract that I will be signing and I'll a never unsign it because that's not possible. Escargoon, are you writing all this down? Good! Now they'll sign this and then Kirby is ours! Oh! Oh! Also write the condition! The condition'll be... That they'll have to pay for NME... And... Tame the monsters that we order from there if they rebel against me... And... I don't know, do the dirty work! Or... They won't be able to live here. I'm the best, aren't I, Escargoon? Did you write all of it down? Lemme s---

Sign Here: ___________________

You look at Dedede. He's smiling like he done something good that he's proud of.

"Sire... Do you know what this says?"

He looks at you offended, "Of course I know what it says!"

You look at him, then show him the paper, "Hey... You can read this, right? You don't see anything wrong?"

He looks at the paper, unbothered, "Nope, nothin' wrong. Just sign it already!"

You read the paper to him. As you read it, his face starts to cringe. "So, you expect me to sign this?"

He nods, innocently.

"What in the hell..."  "I'm not signing it."

"But then, you won't live in the castle! And all of Escargoon's hard work will be for nothing!"

"I'll just move out then. See if one of my family members will let me live with them for a while. I don't have to do anything for you, or Escargoon." In all actuality, you have no idea if one of your family members will let you live with them.

"Well," King Dedede leads, "I'll have no choice..."

"What are you going to do? Rule your kingdom at me-"

Your bed actually was a trap door, and you're now falling into a hole. As you fall in, Dedede looks down at you and smirks as you fall to what seems like your death. 

No! You can't die! This is on 4kids TV! 4kids! There's no deaths in kid shows!

You fall and hit your head into what seems like an underground basement. "What in the world just happened..? AND HOW AM I NOT DEAD!?"

You look around and see boxes and boxes. Everywhere you go, just boxes. You then spot a shiny, sparkly, throne. "Wow, looks comfy. I'm gonna sit in it."  Once you do, the chair starts rising. You scream in your head and close your eyes tightly.

You then feel the wind stop. You open your eyes, and you're in some kind of throne room. You stay seated, and look around, then you hear someone's voice in front of you,

"How's it goin', D-man....yyyou're not him."

Fortune? Reality? Or Both? (Escargoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now