Nightmare Enterprices

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You look in front of you and see a giant television screen with a man on it. He speaks again,

"I haven't seen you before... Who are you, exactly?"

You stare at the man confused, but as always, you answer, "I'm (l/n) (y/n)... I kinda... just moved in... Then got kicked out of my own home... Wait enough about me, who are you!?"

The man smirks, "Well, (y/n). You can just call me, Customer Service."

"Customer Service... Of what, I may ask?"

"Nightmare Enterprises! Also known as NME!"

Your heart stops for a minute as your palms start sweating. "NME? Oh man I'm screwed!"  You try and get up from the chair, but suddenly the arms of the chair lock you in.

"Oh, where were you trying to run off to, (y/n)? I'm right here, it'd be rude to leave a conversation mid-way-"

"Let them go!"

Customer Service looks surprised, and you turn and see Escargoon! The star of the show!

"Well, well, look who it is! Dedede's right hand man! How ya doin'?"

"Don't 'how ya doin' me! Let (y/n) go!"

"Ooooh.... Sorry about that champ! Me and (y/n) here were having a nice conversation, and they tried to leave in the middle! Then you interrupted..."

"I don't care 'CuStOmEr sErViCe', they look like they don't wanna be here right now, isn't that right, (y/n)?" Escargoon tries stand up for you. He looks like a dork, in a cute way. 

"Yeah that's right! Let me go Lil Huddy!"

Customer Service looks at you, angrily. "Fine then." The arms of the chair let you go and this time, you take Escargoons hand and walk out of the room. Once you two are out of the room, you thank Escagoon,

"Thank you, Escargoon! Ugh, who knows how long I would've been forced to have small talk with that guy..."

"Ah, it was no problem.. Really!" He smiles, then his face stiffens up, "*Ahem* So, uh, you... Signed the contract, huh?"

Your confused once again, "The one Dedede showed me..? Um... No, of course I didn't. Who would sign that anyway?" You awkwardly laugh.

"Oh... Wait, really? Then," He pulls out a paper, identical to the contract you didn't sign, except it has a signature on it. The signature... It looks like yours! Except your name is spelled wrong.

"What!?" You look as Escargoon, "That's not my signature! First of all, my name isn't spelled like that. How do you spell (y/n) wrong!? And second, my handwriting isn't that bad! It looks like someone traced letters!"

Escargoon looks surprised, "Huh... A forged signature... Who would forge a-"

"King Dedede."

"Of course."

You both decide to look around the castle for King Dedede to confront him, but he's nowhere to be found. You and him looked around everywhere, but still no sign of Dedede. You're both all tuckered out, then you hear a voice yell in the distance. It sounds like Tiff!

"King Dedede's invading our privacy again!"

"Shut it, girly!"

You and Escargoon look at each other, happy that you get to scold Dedede. You both run up to Tiff and Tuff's home and knock on the door. Tiff opens,

"Ugh, Escargoon, go get your king." Tuff joins, "Hey (y/n)! It's been days!"

Escargoon barges into their home and grabs Dedede's hat, "Sire, how dare you go as low as to forge a signature! You were already low enough! And to hide? Oh please."

You watch as he drags Dedede out the room by his hat and scolds him about forging signatures.

"Hey, (y/n)." Tuff asks, "What's happen' with King Dedede?"

"Oh, uhhh... he forged a signature."

"What does that mean?"

Tiff sighs, "Tuff, it means faking a signature!"

"Oh... hehe... Okay!"

You let Tiff and Tuff be and follow Escargoon and Dedede. It looks like Escargoon's just about done scolding him. He then walks towards you,

"Ugh, (y/n), I'm done with his highness. Let's go, shall we? I know this really cool place in Cappy Town!"

"Ah, alright!"

Fortune? Reality? Or Both? (Escargoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now