Referring to Before, Fortunes Actually Could be Real!

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17:50, ten minutes until you have to meet with Escargoon in front of Whispy Woods. You're in the room with the trap door bed, not to sleep, but to prepare. You're screaming in your head, as well as your heart beating super fast. You feel like you could die. In your head, you've already assumed that it was a love confession.

I mean, put together the clues! He asked you if you remember what Mabel said, she said, and I quote, "---My crystal ball says... You two... Hehehe.. Well, let's just say, there will be some... romance among you two..." That there says it all!

Eight more minutes left, time seems to be going slow... So you decide to walk to Whispy Woods a bit early.

As you walk out of the castle, you hear a familiar voice,

"Hey! (y/n)!"

You look behind you and see Tuff holding Kirby, "Oh! Uh- hey Tuff! What's up?"

"Nothing much, just hanging out with Kirby. Say... Where are you going with all that fancy getup?"

"Oh, I-I'm just going to meet a... friend... at Whispy Woods."

"So, you're busy? My family was kinda wondern' if you wanted to come eat dinner with us today..."

"Ahh... I'm sorry little dude, I'm sure we could eat together at a different time!" 2 more minutes passed since you talked to Tuff. The walk is about six minutes.

"Oh- I gotta go! Tell Tiff and your parents I said hi!" You start running to Whispy Woods, not fast, but not slow either. It's more like a.... Light jog...? I guess..?

Anyhow, you're almost there and you spot Escargoon waiting, with something in his hand. You stop running and start to walk so you look at least a bit presentable and not all sweaty.

You walk up to him, the time is 18:01. You're late by one minute.

"Hey, Escargoon!" You see the object in his hand... was a bouquet of roses! Not to mention he's also wearing a suit and bow tie! Awooga!

"Good evening, (y/n)! For you..." He then hands you the bouquet of roses!

"Thank you..." You're screaming in your head, holding back tears of joy and excitement.

"May I?" He extends his hand, for you to hold on to it, and you both walk into Whispy Woods, holding hands. You two sit down by a tree.

"So," You start, "The note you gave me earlier... What's up?" Escargoon starts fidgeting with his hands,

"Well..." He looks up at your face, and his face turns red. He then looks at the ground.

"I... I..." He quickly turns his head to face you and yells, "I love you!!!" You gasp, not pretending you didn't assume this was a love confession, but because you hoped, and you were right. Escargoon look at the ground again,

"...It's obviously fine if... You don't like me back, well because I've only known you for a week... But I really could not hold in my feelings any longer! You know- You know love..? At first sight? I didn't believe it! And I thought I never would! Until I met you... You're just... Perfect! I mean, your eyes... Your personality and to be honest, I even already told my mother about you... I told her that you're so perfect and amazing and that I... never want to lose you. And wanna know what she said?"

You nod, while tears are streaming down your face because no one ever told you about how they love you so much. In this much detail as well!

"She said, 'You never know when or if you're going to lose someone...' That I should probably tell you sooner, rather than later. Tell you that, I love you, (y/n), I really do. I'm not trying to say 'date me on the first week right here right now!' No..." He chuckles, "That would be crazy, huh?"

You giggle, and he continues talking.

"...And I understand if you don't share the same feelings as me... I just... Wanted to get it off my chest."

He gets up and turns to you, sitting on the soft grass, and smiles. You get up as well, and say as your tears are drying,

"Escargoon... I love you too..."

He leans into your face and whispers, "May I?" You nod and he kisses you softly. As the kiss ends, you say,

"I guess Mabel's fortune was true, huh?"

Fortune? Reality? Or Both? (Escargoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now