Midnight Stroll of Beginnings

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Escargoon approaches you and asks, "So... You just moved in, I suppose..?" You look at him confused and answer, "Yes, I did..."

You're a bit skeptical of this handsome man. He is very cute. He looks kind of dorky and harmless, but you got to remember, he kidnaped Tiff and Tuff's friend, Kirby. 

He looks at you. Then, he tries to break the silence,

"Well... Uh... I was wonderin'... Uh, do you think I could maybe uh... walk you home..? It's completely fine if you don't want to... heh heh..."

He looks embarrassed, as if he regrets asking. You look at him and smile,

"Sure! That'd be great!"

He looks at you with hopeful eyes. 

"Oh! Great! I hope his majesty won't mind if I'm out for a bit..."

You two then start walking together as you lead him to your new home. It'd be a bit awkward if no one talked... So you asked him some questions;

"Say, Escargoon... Why did you keep 'Kirby' hostage..?" "Was that the right way to word it..?"

"Oh... That...? It's just, highness, King Dedede. For whatever reason, he doesn't seem to like Kirby."

"Oh really? Kirby doesn't seem that bad... Is he bad..?"

"Oh! No! Well... Maybe sometimes..." He takes a deep breath, "Honestly, I don't really think he's that bad. It's just the king doesn't like him because, don't tell him I said this, but Kirby can do a lot of things he can't do."

You gesture for him to go on.

"Well, for starters... uh...." He glances into your eyes again and his face turns red, "Uhhh.... well... Kirby's the hero Dedede could never be... So I can tell Dedede's just jealous of him. That's why he's tries to get rid of him, but no matter how hard he tries, Kirby always finds a way to stay... That's why he's always on my tail, telling me to do all this stuff with little pay, and yelling at me about 'getting rid of the pink menace'..."

You look at him, intrigued about what he's saying. He smirks then adds,

"So when Kirby flew into the castle earlier, I knew it was my chance to make the king proud of me for once. I never really wanted to do all this stuff, it's my job, y'know?"

You look at him with a reassuring smile, "So... you never meant to... I see. Do Tiff and Tuff know about this? I'd assume not because when they yelled your name earlier, they seemed... annoyed...? I guess...?"

He frowns and says, "Yeah... They wouldn't understand. It seems like Tiff would... But probably not." He then mocks Tiff's voice, "Even if it's your job, you still need to do the riiight thiiing... heh... Girly, I still need to get paid..."

You laugh, "That was surprisingly accurate!" He smiles, then it fades away, "Oh... We're here."

You look, and he's right. You're at your new home. It's shame you have to leave Escargoon, he was fun to talk to. "Welp," he looks at you,

"Oh wait! I never asked your name, did I?"

"Right! My name's (y/n). Thanks for walking me home! I really appreciate it, with me being in a new town and all. Oh, and it's pretty dark too, so I wouldn't have been able to see anything..."

"No problem, sweetheart! I'm really glad I had nothing to do today"

You both smile at each other, and before you go into your new home, you see a big, shadowy, figure creepy up behind Escargoon. It then starts to speak,

"Oh, so you had nothing to do today, Escargoon...?"

Fortune? Reality? Or Both? (Escargoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now