Mabel's Fortune

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You then exit the castle and make your way to Cappy Town. He tell leads you to this fortune-telling tent.

"Are we on a date right now????" You ask yourself in your head.

When you two enter, there's this fortune-teller lady in the far back sitting with a crystal ball,

"Welcome... to-"

"Mabel, sweetheart!" Escargoon interrupts. He then starts whispering to her, but he only words you can make out are, "Do you----realationsh-----ortun----for two--".

Mabel starts smiling and yells, "Oohhhhhh! I see! Well then," She pulls out two chairs, "Please, have a seat! I have a fortune for you two..."

You get excited and sit down with Escargoon. You're getting your fortune told for the first time, so of course you're excited. The lady wraps her hands around the crystal ball and looks at you.

"(y/n)... Is it? I see..."

You look at Escargoon joyfully and whisper, "How did she know my name???" He shrugs. Mabel then looks at you and Escargoon and says, 

"Ah! There is good fortune between you two! My crystal ball says... You two... Hehehe.. Well, let's just say, there will be some... romance among you two..."

You and Escargoon blush as Mabel giggles. Escargoon turns to you and says,

"There's gonna be r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-" It doesn't seem like he can get the word out. His face is so red, he looks like the god damn YouTube logo. He then repeats the sentence,

"There's gonna be r-r-r-r-romance among us!?"

"Among us!?"

You shout as you wave your finger back and forth towards him and towards you. You are completely fine with this. The snail's kinda hot, what else can I say?

Escargoon pays the lady and you both leave. It's an awkward trip back to the castle, and when you do get there it's nighttime, and you realize that you don't want to sleep on the trap door bed. So... Where will you sleep?

"Hey, Escargoon?"

"What is it, (y/n)?"

"Um... I don't want to sleep on that trap door bed, or be in that room at all... Is there anywhere else I can stay? Somewhere... safe..?"

"Hm.. Well the only place without traps is my room... Ah!"

Escargoon's face starts to turn red again,

"Uh... Y-you'll... have to sleep in my room..."


I guess Mabel was right, there is romance between you two.

"I-I'll have to stay in your room..?"

"Well not it you don't want to! I-I-I-I mean it's the only room without those darn traps!"

"Wait for real!? What is Dedede on!?"

"I don't know! But someone needs to take it away!"

You sigh and say, "Alright... I guess I'm sleeping in your room."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yeah. It's the only one, right?" You start walking towards the hallway, "Lead me to your room, Mr. Escargoon! Heh that rhymes."

"Oh! Of course!"

Minutes of walking pass, and you're finally at his room.

"Wow. This place is pretty good..." You say as you look around. It has so many books everywhere, a coffee maker, some notebooks, a desk, a big bed in the middle, and whatever else is in a bedroom.

"Thanks... I designed it myself... Heh."

"No way! That's so cool!"

Escargoon laughs. Then you jump onto his bed. It's super soft, it feels like you're melting into the mattress. 

"Ahhhh... This is the life. Thanks for letting me sleep here Escargoon!"

"No problem, I guess I'll get ready to sleep on the couch." 

"Oh. Alright."

You get into the covers and almost fall asleep, then you realize. You stole Escargoon's bed, and he's sleeping on the couch, just so you can be comfy. You whisper, half asleep,

"Hey, Escargoon... You awake?"



"...Yes, dear..?"

"Dear?"  "Come here."


He then gets up and walks towards you on the bed,

"...What would like, (y/n)..?"

You scoot over, "Come on..."

"Alright..." He whisper as he gets into the bed and sleeps next to you.

There is very much romance happening as you both fall asleep together. 


You wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door.

"I'm coming in!"

The person opens the door to see you and Escargoon sleeping in the same bed. You look to see who it is, and it's the Waddle Doo from a few days ago!

"OH! I'm sorry! Was I interrupting something!? Uh, the king wants you, Escargoon!! It'd be best to wake up soon! Goodbye!"

You look beside you to wake Escargoon up, but he looks too cute when he's sleeping. So you contemplate on whether you should wake him up. You decide to wake him up.

"Escargoon! Wake up!" You say as you shake him awake.

"Ugh... I'm awake, darling, you don't have to shake me so hard..."

"Yeah, yeah. Escargoon the king wants you."

"At this hour..?"

"It's- Oh you're right... It's pretty early. 5am."

"When did he call for me again?"

"Umm.... Wayyyy before 5am..."

"Uh oh."



Dedede then bursts the door open, "WHAT WHERE YOU DOING ALL THIS TI-"

He then sees you in Escargoon's bed, with Escargoon.


Fortune? Reality? Or Both? (Escargoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now