A Royal Dinner

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It is now the evening, and it turns out King Dedede invited you for dinner. Wow, dinner with the king. That must be nice...

You are now just arriving at the castle, the gates are down, so you head in. Once you go in, the gates close behind you. That's suspicious... Then, a one-eyed creature notices you,

"Hello! You must be-"

"AAAAAAAHHH!!" You scream on the top of your lungs. "WHAT IS THAT!?"  You're confused and scared for you life. It speaks again,

"P-please calm down, (y/n)... I won't hurt 'ya... I'm just a friendly Waddle Doo! Same as those Waddle Dees... I just look a bit different." 

"I am so sorry! It's just.. I've... how do I put this...? Never, seen, anything... Like you... Before... Not trying to be rude or anything! I-"

"It's fine. This happens a lot with outsiders, so I'm used to it. Here, (y/n), I was ordered to escort you to the royal dining room. The king and his servant are waiting for you. Follow me."

It then escorts you to the royal dining room, 

"Here you go, (y/n)! Have a nice time in there!"

"Thanks! You too!" "Why did I say 'you too'."

You open the two doors and are greeted with a long table, with food poured on top. At the end of the table, you spot King Dedede, and standing next to him is his servant, Escargoon. Dedede spots you and starts laughing cheerfully,

"Good evening, (y/n)! Took you long enough! I'm starving!" 

"Oh, I'm sorry-"

He then starts shushing you, "Yeah, yeah, take a seat!"

You sit down. Escargoon, again looks annoyed at the king. You try and cheer him up by smiling at him. He notices, then turns his head away from you. "That's weird..."  You think as you grab a piece of fruit from the table. Then the king interrupts,

"Ah! Ah! Ah! (y/n)!"

You freeze in place, "Yes, your highness?''

"Don't you go taking any of that there food! It's mine!"

"Ah, is that so..." You say as you put the fruit back. King Dedede starts eating as if there's no tomorrow. Escargoon looks at Dedede annoyed, as if he's thinking, "Really?" 

You're stuck watching the king gobble down all the food by himself, while you're just sitting there, hungry. You're hungry because you didn't eat anything today because you were going to have a big dinner, but I guess you're not going to have anything.

A couple minutes pass, and Escargoon finally says something, 

"Sire, why didn't you invite them if you're not going to let them have any food..?"

Dedede rolls his eyes and continues eating, "Hey, (y/n)! Pass me that there piece of meat!" You roll your eyes at him and hand him the piece of meat he's asking for.

Another couple of minutes pass, and then Escargoon speaks to the king again, "Even if you were going to eat all the food, you're not telling them the news... This isn't a part of the plan, at all, your highness." 

The king looks surprised, "Oh! You're right, Escargoon! What would I do without you? Hey, (y/n)!"

You look as if your desperate for food, "Yes, your highness?"

"Live here at the castle, (y/n)! Escargoon already set up a room for you!"

"Oh... I'd love to accept your offer, but I just bought a house here and-"

"It wasn't an offer, also 'your home' isn't your home anymore."

"...Excuse me?"


Escargoon heads towards you with stacks of money and whispers, "Here... I'm sorry, the king sold your house, he has the money, but here's some from my savings... I hope this is alright..."

King Dedede starts to get impatient, "Escargoon! Stop whisperin' over there! Tell them!"

Escargoon slips the money into your pockets and says his line, "S-so, you'll have to live here, under one condition! Besides, if you don't participate, you'll be homeless! I'm so sorry, (y/n)..."

Your shocked. The king sold your home, and your now being forced to live in the castle under one condition, and you don't know what the condition is. To top it all off, you have to make this big decision on an empty stomach! You then make your choice without thinking hard,

"Alright... Fine. Where's my room?"

Escargoon looks suprised, and Dedede's looking at you with an evil smirk, "Escargoon, show 'em!"

"Yes, sire..."

Escargoon looks physically and mentally exhausted. Mostly mentally. He then walks you out of the room and starts apologizing, like he gets down on his knees, and starts apologizing. 

"I'm so sorry, (y/n)! It wasn't my decision! The king just grew interested and did this on his own! For the first time in a while, I tried to talk him out of it, but he just wouldn't quit! I'm super sorry! I didn't want to say any of those things to you..." He starts crying.

"Ahhh, noo..." You try and cheer him up, "It's okay, Escargoon! I know it's not your fault! You don't have to cry! It's okay!"

He looks up at you, "I-is it... Really.. Okay...?"

"Yes... It's fine." You look up, "I just wonder what that 'condition' is..."

You think for a bit, then you hear someone speak with a thick accent,

"A condition, eh?"

Fortune? Reality? Or Both? (Escargoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now