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Blackwater Swamp

Map:Blackwater Swamp

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As you raced to killer shack, you had looked behind you to see the Oni himself chasing after you

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As you raced to killer shack, you had looked behind you to see the Oni himself chasing after you. You took your pearl necklace from long ago and threw it at him as he was about to raise his club. He stopped dead in his tracks, giving you enough time to race off. He put away his club and looked down at the necklace curiously, bending down and picking it up. How strange... Your first line of defense was this pearl necklace, stained with your blood and mud. He stood there, examining every bit of your pearl necklace. It only hit him that he was standing there when the 3rd gen popped, there were only 2 gens left now. He shoved it in his pocket and stomped around, following blood orbs from another survivor like a hound dog.


You were working on a gen near killershack, seeing he wasnt there anymore and was chasing one of your teammates from across the map. You were trying to distract yourself that your life was on the line and your feelings were unnecessary. You let out a heavy sigh as you felt a tap on your shoulder, the feeling of your heartbeat besting against your ribs as you turned around. Seeing the Oni as you froze in place, he reached into his pocket and pulled out your pearl necklace as he placed it in your hand as he raced away rather quickly. "Huh?" You looked back down at the pearl necklace with confusion, your cheeks slightly tinting as you put the necklace back on. "Tsk. That was stupid.." You continued working on the gen as you heard another one go off as you were mere seconds away from completing the gen when Ms. Little Meg had to grab your shoulders roughly, making you screech and mess up the gen as she doubled over laughing.

You looked back at her furiously, ever since she started dating Nea she's been more of a pain in the ass as ever.... Not like shes always been one to begin with.. "You made me mess up the gen!" You growled under your breath as she laughed out, "That was so funny! Your just a scaredy cat!" She laughed out, pushing you against the gen. She was really testing you today, see usually in matches she'd always push you in the killers direction so you can get killed first. Or even moried and the only killers that havent taken you as easy bait was Huntress, Nurse, and Pig. "Can you just. Stop!?" You yelled out, slapping her as she fell back and looked at you with wide eyes as you clenched your fists, her eyes looked behind you. "Hey look at me! Whats your problem? Why are you such an asshole???" You asked as she pointed behind you as you stepped back a few steps to see Oni. He raised his bat as you ran, hearing Meg scream.

You then bumped into someones chest, sending you flying back. "Oh Y/n!" You looked up from the ground seeing Dwight, he extended his hand for yours as he helped you up, just as everyone had been notified that Meg had just gotten moried. Plus her horrific screams, you and Dwight exchanged looks as his grip on your hand got tighter as he basically dragged you to another gen that was almost done. You hadnt even heard anything besides the flashback of him sparing you and attacking Meg as you looked back from behind the tree log where you were working on the gen to see him just standing there. "Hello?" You asked as you tried getting up when Dwight pulled you in by your waist, you gasped in suprise as he tried to pull you away from the killer as you looked back to the Oni to see his eyes glowing red. Redder then you've ever seen, he growled out and charged for Dwight as Dwight got knocked. "Y/n run!" He yelled out as you ran as Dwights scream rang out. "Dont touch Y/n!" He growled out, bashing Dwights head with his bat many times as you ran. Jake had died earlier in the match, which meant you were the only one left. You stood there, looking behind you as you were now face to face with him. You felt your heart race, you weren't sure if it was because of the terror radius or if it was your feelings for him trying to spill out. You gulped as he gently grabbed your hand, for his large size the way he grabbed your hand was so delicate. He acted as if he grabbed your hand normally he'd rip you up like a flower. Your eyes lit up as her carried you bridal style around the map, stealing a few glances at your slightly relaxed structure. There was hatch, he set you down gently as he rubbed the top of your head, your hair felling delicate from inbetween his fingers as he watched you jump through hatch. "See you next match Y/n.." He smiled underneath his mask and his fiery for once in a long time, died down. He sat near the hatch, waiting to be teloprted to the campfire so he can try attempting to see you from far away in the dark, lonely forest that divided the two.

He had his big obsession with you sure, but he believed that it was going to be worth it in the end.

This took forever, I'm really sorry its short. :(
I'm currently trying to find the motivation to get outta bed everyday :D

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