Yandere! Nurse x Timid! Fem! Reader <Old>

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This story was suggested by; ledkitty


You were laying down in your bed, thinking about the girls at school and how skinny they were

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You were laying down in your bed, thinking about the girls at school and how skinny they were. 'I wish I had their hourglass bodies with there amazing confidence to talk to guys like they do.' You sighed as you turned on your side and hugged an extra pillow as you looked at the wall with sleepy, sore eyes.

The only reason you had decided to wear you stranger things pajama's tonight was because it was really the only thing you had left untill you did laundry. As you vented about how the fat on your belly and legs was how no one loved you. You jumped as a thunderstorm had started and you pulled the covers over yourself for protection against the sounds outside. The saftey of your covers helping you fall asleep.

You were expected to wake up to the comfort of your bedroom, but instead you woke up in the middle of a forest. You jolted up and looked around, "H-Hello?" You shrunk back when you heard a scream and immediately covered your ears as your breath became more shaky. "I just want to go home-" Just then you gasped as you looked up to see two men and sprinted and jumped a few feet over a vault and hud in a locker.

'Those were probally the men who brought me here, planning to torchure me!' You thought as you inhaled deeper within each second of you being the red, small locker. "C-Calm b-breaths Y/n" You told yourself as you sat down on the bottom and rocked back and forth as you took calm deep breaths.

You heard the grass outside of the locker as you rested your head in on your knees. "T-This has to be a dream." You told yourself as the lockers opened with a swift and fast motion as you looked up to see a woman with a pillow case over her head and blood was all over her dress and her gloves which was holding a hack saw.

You screamed at her and put your arms over your face in defense, you didnt want to see that. The image popping in your head made you want to hurl, whose blood was it? "G-Get away from me!" You screamed as she picked you up as you kicked like an infant throwing a tantrum.

"SOME BODY HELP ME!" You screamed as you gasped for breath as she dropped you. You nearly passed out as you gasped for air and was trying to get up and run away but couldn't have the strength too.

You looked up at her with the pillow case that covered her face as you felt her caze staring at you, you covered your body in defense. She just looked at you, but her gaze was interrupted by a rock being thrown at you. It hit your leg and bounced off as you winced in pain as you saw her gaze go to a bush further to the right.

You peeked around the corner around the wooden wall to see her chasing a man, "Hold on I recognize him..." You whispered thinking to the TV show you watched, what was it called. You looked down for the show name, looking at your shirt. "Oh yeah duh, I'm so dumb.." You scolded yourself as you looked back around the corner, you saw no one. Just then a hand touched your shoulder as you jumped with a scream and turned back around to face the nurse who you were still unsure of.

You backed away a little bit as she pet your head, you were quite unsure of the situation you were put into. You gulped and tried to gain the confidence you didn't have whatsoever. Not only were you attempting to talk to someone you didnt know, you were talking to a killer. "U-Uhm..." You scoot back as you hit the wall and looked at her and smally waved.

~○Nurse's POV○~

"H-Hi.." I nearly hugged her, I heard a generator go off but didnt care. She is mine after all, so I should know her. I waved at her to see her gaze soften, shes so adorable! My heart beat by the second as I looked into her e/c orbs.

I pat her on the head as I held my hand for her but as soon as I did, damn Steve took her from me. I felt my cheek muscles turn into a sadistic grin as I raised my hacksaw to teloport in front of them and snatched her up. How dare he touch my precious Y/n, she is MINE.

I set her down the went into a full on chase with him, slapping him across the back as the exit gates were powered. "No ed bitch." I usually didnt use such foul language but I couldn't help myslef, he tried to take Y/n away from me. He looked at me with wide eyes as I moried him, I then went to check on my precious Y/n.

I saw Feng try to drag her through the gate but she pulled away. I floated over to them as I hit feng as she fell then crawled out, I held my arms out as she looked at me and hesitantly jumped into my arms as I waited for the trial to be over.

I'm sorry it isnt the best! When I first started writing it I had an idea and as soon as I started writing I- it just went. Peace out- 🏃🏼‍♀️💨

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