Legion/ Frank x Abused! Fem! Reader <Old>

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You sat up, feeling the snow pinch your exposed arms. You heard a heartbeat and jumped up and ran a random direction, trying to get away from the very heartbeat that terrified her. You felt it all the times when your parents were in the room, both of them being drunk as hell. "Is this what being dead is? Is this an afterlife?" You sat there and slid up against the wall with a window there, watching someone with a smiley mask walk by. And a sigh escaping your lips, just the night before you took alot of your sleep meditation hoping to die in your sleep. But then it crossed your mind, 'Where the actual hell am I??' You wondered as you tried looking at your surroundings. It was snowy, that was quite obvious. You were still trying to figure it out when a figure grabbed your arm, making you jump in pain as you rubbed your bruised arm. You looked at the man, he was tall and had black, messy hair and a green jacket.

His eyes widened as he saw your arms, and you backed away in defense. "H-Hey I-I'm sorry!" He said teying to keep a smile as you stopped. You stood there silent, not sure what to do. But you wanted to leave, to be honest you were never the person who liked talking to people. Not to mention you were afraid of them, he stepped closer snapping you out of your thoughts. "Hey.. Whats your name?" You tensed up and mentally cringed at his kindness, "Y-Yn.." You said holding your arm out, trying to make sure you had your own sheild. He backed away, "S-Sorry." He said as he looked at your arms, "Can help you? Like bandage your arms?" You thought about it. 'What if he has a knife on him?' You squinted at him, seeing his akward smile. "No thanks." You said going out of the window right as you heard that heartbeat. You groaned in frustration and vaulted over the balcony, landing near a rock. You decided to go inside and just chill there.

You began to think about home, home was pretty chilly too. Then you thought about your german shepard D/n (Dog's name). You sat there for a while just looking at the snow falling down when a scream made you jump and see things you didnt see before. There was blood on the trees and some on the what used to be white snow. 'Where they here? Coming to finish their job to torture me and kill me?' Your hands began to shake right on cue of the heartbeat, you silently cried and burried your head into your knees that were level with your face while your arms were wrapped around your legs. There was panting and footsteps, you panicked while the man looked at your scared panicked form.

He didn't usually feel this way about the other survivors, let along let them live. He would have already inflected deep wound and be hot on their trail, but I guess you were lucky. He set down his knife near the end on the wall and slowly walked over to you, 'Damn I wish I knew more on this type of stuff...' He said as his arms gently wrapped around you, sheilding you in a hug. Your silent crys turned into whimpers as he rubbed circles on your back trying to calm you down, while you were trying to figure out who in the world was hugging you. You knew it wasnt your mother, because she has more curves then this person does. It definitely can't be that one dude because he had a green jacket with a scarf. You heard the familiar sound of car keys and jumped, now depending on that person to save you as your gripped onto the back of his jacket. "T-Their here..." Was all your panicked form could say as you looked up at him, his white mask with a smile and circles with lines slicing them up with little eye holes stared down at you as he looked into the direction of the sound. There stood, your parents that you hated so much. "Get over here! We're going home." Your father said as you tensed up as he stepped closer to you and the man. He looked back at you and let go of you and you watched as he stabbed your father in the stomach as your mother shrieked with fear as your father fell to the floor and your mother ran up to you and went to punch you. You put your arms up preparing for impact but it never came, instead you heard a soft thump and you stared at them both wide eyed then looked over to him, he wiped his hands and you didnt know what the hell you were thinking but you ran up and tackled him, engulfing him in a hug. You didn't care if the snow burned the cuts and bruises on your arms, you were happy that they were dead. His posture looked shocked at your sudden clingy movements.

Dead By Daylight x Reader ☆Oneshots!☆ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now