Dwight x Fem! Reader <Old>

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Dwight had always loved how you smiled and cheered people up, no matter the circumstances. This match you two were up against death slinger, Dwight hated this one of all killers. The old bounty hunter had seemed to spare you, but with a interest that made Dwight's blood boil in range as he saw how uncomfortable you were around him. He wanted to go up and easily beat him up for makng you uncomfortable, at the same time he didn't want you to see him brutally murder him in front of you and continue the conversation. That happened to Jake and you had apologized for not helping multiple times, as it was brushed off because you couldn't help it.

Y/n POV•

You quickly ran over to the saloon and raced up the stairs, hoping to meet a survivor who could at least help you in this situation. Sure it was, whats the word... Pleasing that the brutal killer had decided to spare you, but it seemed uncomfortable that the fact that he would just kill someone in the middle of your conversation and continue talking let alone how terrified you were. You decided you'd try and stall him, it was everyone's feelings of fear over your uncomfortable feelings. You're shaky sigh blew off some of the sand that had made its way to the second story to the saloon onto the generator you were working on before you got off it and went to search for him. You heard the chain fly and crank, but where could it be?

You looked around the corner to see the shy, kind nerd that you had a crush on since he first taught you how to repair the gens.

You shook your head at your naive thoughts, you quickly ran over and stood in front of Dwight in a more akward way as the killer stared you dead in your e/c orbs.

Observing the way they moved in the situation you just put yourself in. "H-Hey there, you dont have to do this... We can talk y'know let Dwight go and-" Your sentence was interrupted mid way with his gun going into your arm as he pulled you closer Dwight pulling back. You decided it was hopless when he was going to give you the deep wounds affect Dwight had took the hit.

It made your heart race for that was the most heroic thing he had done that you'd ever see. You ran behind him as the qngry bounty hunter hot on your guy's trial. You didnt hear the heartbeat anymore and realized that the others were stalling him. "Dwight!" He turned around as he had realized it too, "Lemmie heal you, the progression will go quicker." You smiled as she made an effort to smile as you were fone within seconds. "T-Thanks Y/n..." He stated looking at you, you felt you heart beat as you both locked eyes.

You two looked around for a generator as you guys eventually found one and immediately started working on it, there were two rings in the distance, meaning that two out of five generators were done. You both popped the third one as you guys sprinted off to the one that was on the second story of the salon, seeing ut want done yet you guys both worked on it. You looked arpund every once in a while to make sure he didnt see you both, you kept connecting the wires and pulling the levers as the gen ran along with one more. You looked around, where was he? Was he waiting because he had no ed?

You grabbed Dwights hand and raced for the gate, you guys both blushed at your bold actions but you couldn't care more. You hated to admit it, but you thought the cute nerd was hot. It was a little bit embarrassing to think of it but you couldn't help yourself. "Uhm Dwight..." You looked around, "What's up Y/n?" He asked as you sighed, pulling on the lever with a grunt. "I really, really like you." You both were in silence as the last ring of the gate commenced following by it opening. "Well I love you two Y/n..." He grabbed your hand and kissed you on the cheek then you both ran through the gate, looking behind to see a pissed death slinger.

Dead By Daylight x Reader ☆Oneshots!☆ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now