Huntress x Fem! Cannibal! Reader <Old>

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This story was suggested by: chaton-fan

⚠️This story contains *some descriptive* detail of cannibalism⚠️If your sensitive to this click away or read another chapter or the next future chapter :"D⚠️


-🩸Your POV🦷-

As you walked through the woods in your toffee brown cloak that went just above your knees you heard a scream, you ran over and hid behind a tree as you saw food running away from a woman in a hatchet. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" He screamed as the next thing you knew he was on the ground, blood spiling from his head. While a rather tall hatchet stuck in his head, some of his brains spilling out on the grass around him.

You were gonna go in for the meat until you heard a stick snap. You looked in the direction of the sound to see a tall woman who was wearing a bunny mask with a black veil attached to the back. You took note that she had pants that had a leather shrap around the waist line where there were hatchets at, you stalked her motions like a hawk as she walked up to him and picked him up. You frowned and grabbed a rock and threw it at her, it bouncing off of her shoulder as you saw her turn around in an instant and glare at you.

You shriveled as she looked at you, but you had eyed the body. You lounged for the body, as she only moved a few steps to the right as you lounged into a bush. "Gimmie." You said as you two stared at each other. She smiled as the atmosphere that was choking you just now turned into something more, breathable. She started to walk away but looked back at you as you followed her like a little puppy, sure it might be a bad idea but what if she has more food?

You've been trying to search for human flesh more specifically, the taste of it when you put spices on it were amazing. You didn't realize your mouth was watering until she tapped your shoulder and laughed at you and you looked down in embarrassed. You could basically feel your face heat up from the embarrassment, you looked up at her from your left as you approached her house you were jumping with excitement as you ran to the house and looked behind you to see her catching up her pace. She set the body in the kitchen then came back to the big table there was. "Name?" She asked as you thought about it for a bit. "Y/n." You smiled nervously as she smiled, "That's a cute name." She replied, going to the kitchen as I followed behimd her "Thanks..." I said as I watched her chop of an arm and put it on the cutting board.

She took a knife and cut the first layer of skin off by the bicep, revealing pure meat as you were drooling thinking of stuffing it in your mouth just like that. "When are u gonna be done?" You asked as she stopped as to think about it. "In an hour or two," She said looking back at you and smiled. "I'll be upstairs if you need me." You said as you walked up the stairs and saw a bedroom and immediately claimed the bed as yours. You took the nice, sewed fur blanket. You instantly fell asleep, waiting for the huntress to fimd you.

🪓🐰-Huntress's POV-🐰🪓

"Y/n dinners ready!" I said as it was silent upstairs. I walked up the stairs, eventually making it to the top and going down the hall but backing up a few steps to my bedroom. To see her sleeping in my bed. Iwalked over to her to wake her up, but I couldn't find my hands to move from my sides to wake her up. She was so, peaceful. I looked down at her as a smile formed on my face. I got down to her level and finally gad the courage to wake her up. "Y/n, dinner's ready." I saw her eyes shoot straight open and ruah past me as I laughed, she reminded me of a child. "Where's the food?" She asked as I got down the stairs and eventually showed her. It was pretty cute how she dashed to the soup I had made out of the man who seeked food in my forest.
"T-Thank you!" Y/n said as I smiled and started to clean up the table. I just needed to keep her safe from the outside, then we will all be fine.

-🩸Your POV🦷-

As you walked upstairs to go sleep, the sunset caught you off gaurd from the window you had just passed by. It was nice to be able to actually enjoy a sunset without the hunger of flesh that was nearly a curse to you everyday, but yet even if it was a curse you enjoyed the tasty flesh of human. You remembered all those nights you spent once you ran away from civilization and started to actually "atempt" to hunt. You chuckled as you heard footsteps and looked to your left to see her standing there. "So, whats your name? I'd like to know the name of the lady who's keeping me fed." You smiled as you looked into her beautiful baby blue eyes as she smiled. "Anna," She said as she came next to you to watch the sunset with you.

You couldn't quite tap this feeling but her being next to you took your mind away from food and filled your chest with a warm fuzzy feeling that made you smile from ear to ear. "That's a really pretty name Anna." You stated as you both looked at each other, you both smiling like there was nothing wrong in this cruel world. She walked away from the window as you followed her to keep yourself from being cold. "I have a spare bedroom for you, I hope you dont mind. It isn't in the best condition." She giggled as you hugged her as there was silence but then she hugged you back. You stopped hugging her and stepped away as you yourself was taken back, but you smiled. "Thank you so much." You smiled as you had wished her goodnight.

You couldn't sleep, but you weren't sure if she was awake. The only thing you could do was find out. As your footsteps creaked on the old, wooden floor you slowly peeked around the corner to see her sleeping. You sighed in relief as you blushed at your stupid thought but shook your head as you slowly got into bed and slowly moved your way into the covers as she tunrned over. You sat there expecting her to do something but you saw she was asleep as she hugged you, pulling you closer by you're waist as you jumped. The red blush seeping across your face as you accepted your fantastic fate and fell asleep in the arms of one of the only people who shared the same hobby.


Hey sorry if it seems rushed! I had school and its been, stressful online school does not like my existence. 🥲

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