Deathslinger x Fem! Reader <Old>

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This story was suggested by LizDarkwolf, I hope you guys enjoy! 😋

You packed your things into a leather suit case as you follwed the other men to a carriage. As you got in you sat in the middle as the other two sat in the other side, from time to time you'd glance back at them as if you were paranoid.

You had a feeling they were planning something you wouldn't like, even though they were friends of your father, you didn't like them very much. It seemed like hours as the sun was just going behind the large hills as the carriage came to a stop.

You looked at the house as the wood looked as if not taken well care of. You took a deep breath and stood up straight as you knocked on the door. You stood there for quite a while as you waited, you looked back at the dudes then realized what happened. They just dumped you in the middle of nowhere... You bit your lip in frustration as the door open and you were greeted, by a rather strange figure.

"What is a pretty girl doing like you out here?" He asked leaning on the doorway, he looked like he worked at a bone orchard. I gulped and tried to represent myself, "I-I was dropped off here.... And I *ahem* My names Y/n." You smiled the best you could as you gave him my hand to shake but he looked at your hand and turned behind him. You saw him walk in and leave open the door as he looked back at you, "Are ya gonna get inside or let the vultures feed on ya?" You stiffened as you walked through the door and closed it carefully, there were a bunch of blueprints spread around on the walls and floor.

You sat near the door as you waited, but just then you realized how stupid you were. You had trusted your dads friends who dumped you out in the middle of nowhere then accept this dude's offer who looked like he worked at a bone orchard. You sighed in discomfort as you ran a hand through your H/c h/l hair as you tried to find a cure to this uncomfortable situation god put you in.

You saw the nice sky turn to night as you heard footsteps and looked back to see he was looking at you. "You can stay in the room over there," He pointed as you got up and made your way to the room as you closed the door to change into your night gown. You were still glad you had your suitcase, you took your nightgown out of the suitcase and took off the dress you had on as you changed into it and put your suicase under the bed as you layed down and went to sleep peacefully.

The next morning you fluttered your eyes open and sat up. You looked outside the window to only see the plateaus and the bright sun looming over the small house. You got up and looked out the door he was working on... Some type of gun? You stood there and stared with curiosity as he put the gun together and stared at it, inspecting every fine detail that you couldn't see until you had gotten close enough to it to smell the metal's scent.

"Good morning.." You said trying to make the atmosphere of the house more lively, he turned and looked at you a straight face. "Good morning." He said before turning back to the gun as quick as possible, rude. You thought as you went back into the bedroom door and got out your suitcase and took the notebook from it then shoved the suitcase under your bed and got back up onto your bed before grabbing a pencil and opening the notebook.


"Y/n, I'm going to the market you wanna come.." Caleb said as you looked up, "Sure, I'd love too." You smiled as you got out of bed and went to put on your shoes as yoh had counted what time has gone by, 3 months have gone by and you started to get closer. You could never admit the feelings you had for him though, "Y/n I'll be right back I have business to attend to." He said before walking into the bar as you sighed.

I hope he doesn't get drunk again. You thought as you walked away to the other side to get some potatoes for dinner. You sighed and put some in the bag you brought as you walked back in the direction of the bar as you heard a gunshot and screaming. Worried you rushed over to the commotion and what you saw made your stomach growl and your legs to try and give up.

Dead By Daylight x Reader ☆Oneshots!☆ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now