(Part 2) Frank × Abused! Fem! Reader <Old>

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"What are you doing here?!" She backed away from me face as red as a tomato as I got up. "I came to check on ya." I was pretty proud if she would buy it. "Oh ok." She replied as she went into the closet and closed the door, 'Hold up, she actually bought that??' I shrugged and went to get her clothes from the dryer. I picked them up, and boy were they warm. I turned around and headed up the stairs, I then got to the door and opened it. "I gotcha clothes!" I put them on the bed and left the room, giving the little lady some privacy. I wait by the room for her to get done. She opens the door, "Done." We walk back downstairs and talk the night away.

Its atleast been a few weeks since you came here, and the ache in your heart was always there when the rest of the legion members were there. You mostly hated Julie, she would always get to close to Frank and you just hated it! Its like she was trying to say that he was hers but but that wasn't true, Frank saved you when he killed your parents. Your thoughts were interrupted as you got a tap on the shoulder, making you jump. "Oh hi Susie." You smiled at her, as she smiled back with braces. Susie was one out of all of them that you could tolerate, besides Frank. Joey was rude to you for some reason, but you didnt mind. "Hey Y/n! You excited for tonight?" Susie asked, grabbing your sleve as you nodded in response. "Hell ya, what are we doing again?" Susie sat there, "Truth or dare around the campfire!" You both giggled in excitement thinking of how the night was gonna go, you were planning on confessing to Frank after the game and that was kinda it. "I'ma take a nap Susie." You waved goodbye to Susie then walked to your room and silently closed the door. You sighed and flopped on your bed and hugged another pillow you had on the bed, 'How am I gonna confess? Like am I gonna say 'I like you?' You shook your head at the thought of him rejecting you, you weren't gonna let Julie have him. He rescued you and from what you learned he screwed her over so it was perfect. 'A wrong and a right..' You thought before you felt your eyelids get heavy, and within a few seconds you were asleep.

You woke up to Susie about to wake you up, and you gently smiled at her. "How was your nap?" Susie helped you up as you yawned, "Good." You walked over to the bathroom and began to brush your teeth. 'Its time..' You thought as you got done brushing your teeth as you let your h/l h/c hair down, just for today.

You and susie walked twords the campfire, where Julie, Joey and Frank were sitting. "There you are Y/n," You sat next to Frank as he smiled. "Truth or Dare Susie." Frank asked Susie, seeing Susie but her lip in thought. "Truth." Frank and me wiggled our eyebrows as Susie's face heated up at her mistake. "Do you like Joey?" Susie quickly turned to Joey and saw his shocked expression as he quickly turned a light shade of red as he hugged Susie. "Awwww~" You teased them both as they giggled nervously, "Y/n truth or Dare?~" Susie asked as you shrugged. "Dare." Susie wiggled her eyebrows, 'No your not' You mouthed at your friend. "I dare you to kiss Frank~" You both jumped as you exchanged looks. You covered your face with your hands as he removed them and pecked your lips. Your face was red, as he pulled away. Your soul left your body and you looked at Susie kinda mad, she just giggled at you.

"Ok well bye fuckers I'm going to bed." Julie left us as Susie and Joey left soon after, leaving me and Frank alone. "Heey Frank about that kiss.." You looked into his icy blue eyes as his cheeks flushed, as he looked away and kept silent. "IreallylikeyouandIloveyousomuchbutyouproballydontlikemeback." He sat there, eyes wide. "What?" He scoot closer to you on the log like he understood what you said. "Well Y/n I like you too." He smashed his lips against yours as he pulled you closer by your hips, you merrily blushed at his actions as he bit your lip for an entrance, and you allowed him in as he was dominant in the kiss. You two parted for air as you hugged him and buried your head in the crook of his neck while a chuckle escaped his lips. "I love you Y/n.." His arms engilfed you in his warm embrace as you smiled, "I love you too Frank."

And that was it, you and Frank were a couple. You guys eventually got out of this killing game and Joey had gotten Susie pregnant surprisingly. You congratulated them both and you and Frank ended up having a kid of your own, she mostly looked like Frank. The day she wss born, you remember Frank holding her. That was tye first time he had cried, it made you cry too. You two were crying messes together.

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