Doctor x Fem! Reader <Old>

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Note: You guys can make requests I'd be happy to do them! :)

In this story Y/n has CIPA, which is basically insensitivity pain disorder. But other then that, lets begin!

 But other then that, lets begin! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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You woke up on cold, dirty tile. You jumped when your head hit a wall, not because of pain if course. You couldn't feel that, you never have and you never will. You stretched and yawned, "Hold up.." You looked around in shock to see your surroundings have completely changed. Instead of being in your pastel (f/c) bedroom, you were in a cold, dark hospital of some sorts. You saw a few hospital beds with dirty blue sheets draping randomly. "Hello..?" You called out to the back chilling silence, but you got no answer. You walked around, always looking behind you to see nothing. But you swore you could feel eyes burning through your soul as you walked through the abandoned building. Hearing a creek and looking behind you, "Comon guys this isn't a prank! Bringing me to an abandoned hospital then stalking me!?" You screamed, but there was no answer. But what you did take hope was that there were these machine looking things spread across.

You heard a scream and jumped, "Shit Y/n..." You quickly scrambled into a room where 2 females sat. "Ay you!" The girl with braids pointed twords me as the other girl with short black hair pulled me down. "Have you seen the killer yet?" The braided girl asked harshly as she looked at the girl with short, black hair. "Killer? What kill-" The braided girl slapped her hand over your mouth before you could finsish. "Rude..." You thought as your heart begins to beat against your rib cage. You struggled to breathe with you struggled for air. She finially let go of the grasp she had on your mouth as you gasped, "Hold up, are you new?" The braided girl said as she eyed me, you tilted your head in response. "Must be, she wasn't at the campfire before trial.." She stated as they exchanged looks. "My names Feng, and this is Meg." She tried to smile, but you can tell something was up. "Just repair the generators so we can get out. And stay away from us." Meg snarled at you as she left, and Feng only looked at you with a face full of sympathy.

"Guess I'm alone again.." You got up from the wall and walked around some more. Trying to "observe" your surroundings some more. In conclusion, you'd say you were in an abandoned hospital. The only thing that was out of place to you was a big clearing in the middle, it had multiple tv's hanging from the ceiling that made the MOST horrific sounds you have ever heard. You covered your ears as you walked by a chair that had belts around the spots both someones wrists and legs would go. You dont know what you felt, you felt numb. Which most likely meant you were getting hurt? But from what? What you saw was enough to convince you to run. You dashed out of the room and inyo the hallways, tripping on your own feet as you ran. Looking behind you to bump into something. Soft, but hard its just you couldn't quite place your finger on it.

You fell on your bottom as you looked up, your eyes widened as you realized who he was. "The doctor." A man who was constantly talked about in your town, about how he experienced using electrical power. You scoot back as he looked down at you, mostly eyeing your golden watch that was on your right wrist. He looked down at your h/l, h/c hair. He couldn't help for his heart to beat when he looked into your e/c eyes. He mentally took notes to himself as his electric currents crawled twords your legs, with other survivors they'd be crying in pain. But he couldn't get a reaction out of you, oh well. He went out to grab your arm, but jumped in suprise as you kicked his hand so hard he heard a crack. He growled in pain as you ran away, already panting from the amount of shock you just took in.

"This has got to be a dream. It has to!" You screamed at yourself as you hid in locker away from him. "Comon Y/n you just let the dream end. And-" Your thoughts were interrupted when the locker doors slammed open and you were face to face with him. "Caught ya," Your face of fear fueled him, and here he thought his life depended on the electricity currents that ran through his vains. "Y-You dont wanna do this.." You raised your arms up in defense, while staring at his features. "But why?" He put his arm beside your head in the locker. Making you jump, your eyes darted to his arm and back to his face. He picked you up over his shoulder, "W-What are you d-doing!?" You kicked like an infant throwing a tantrum, "Theres no point in squirming. Its pointless," Which made you struggle more, hoping for some freedom. It was only untill you noticed your new surroundings, it was snowing. The cold wind against her face feel cold, and then numb. "If you dont mind, where are you taking me??" You asked, using his shoulder as a pillow. "You'll see," He said in a raspy voice as you found yourself drifting off to sleep, even in a killers arms.

You wake up with your hand cuffed to the bed, noticing the red mark it made. "Kinda kinky.." Your eyes looking at the cuff as you sat up, "Wait why am I-" Before you could finish your sentence it rushed back to you And to be honest, you weren't going to cry about it and have a breakdown because you always found ways to calm yourself down. You heard a raspy chuckle, "I wasn't expecting that reaction." He had a notebook and took note on it, he had still yet not seen your files that the entity had collected using your personal information.

"H-How long have you been watching me sleep!?" You asked trying to cover your now pink face as he chuckled at your naive, yet cute reaction. "Not for long," he said as you felt that numb tingling sensation as he grabbed his stick and was about to leave before you remembered. "Uhm what about food? Is there gonna be like an eating schedule or something?" He was quite shocked to your reaction to being taken into this strange world then being brought to HIS house. "I'm actually going to feed you whenever you feel like it to because I've taken a liking to you. And please, call me Carter." He said before leaving you in the room, and then you started to wonder what he ate. I mean, he was dead right? So why in the hell would he eat?

You shrugged as you sat there, just casually thinking about stuff untill he came in with eggs and bacon. "How in the world did he manage to make eggs and bacon??" You wondered as you softly smiled at him, making his heart flutter. "I-I'll be going now." He stated, studdering as he left the room. Leaving you there speechless, you could say you weren't use to this when it came to how men treated you at your school. They'd constantly pick on you and not even call you by the name your parents gave you, but instead "freak".

Doctors Pov
I went upstairs and out of the room, "How embarrassing," I studdered. :How unprofessional!" I stated, mentally slapping myself because it doesnt hurt. And if I were to actually slap myself y'know that would hurt.

"Herman.." The entity gave me the file that I've been waiting for, my dear precious Y/n. I opened it and read through it, eventually sitting down on the couch to read my files in piece. My anxious hands tracing the letters of the page untill I stopped.

Y/n L/n

Sex: Female
Age: 19
Medical condition(s): Congenital insensitivity to pain, also known as CIPA.

Hospital visits:

Broken arm

Broken legs
Herman stared in shock, if she cant really feel pain. Then thats what was keeping her from running away from him, he smiled as big as he ever did. The smoke came around him, "Oh I guess the entity awaits~" He laughed madly as insanity consumed him and pulled him into a match. Leaving a peaceful, sleeping Y/n.

Dead By Daylight x Reader ☆Oneshots!☆ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now