Deathslinger x Female Reader 🐎 /Redo/

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Here you were, finally caught as an outlaw. How sad, if only you would have killed the woman you decided to spare...

"So, you got anything to say about what you just did?"

One of the officers asked, getting closer to the chair you were tied up in.

"I got one thing to say..."

You smiled, before parting your lips;

"It sure was a hell of alota' fun!..."

You paused, looking at the sheriff.

"Too bad you caught me,"

A sigh came from your lips as the sheriff smoking his cigarette coughed, smoke snaking away from his cigarette stick. Pressing against the ceiling before becoming as clear as the air. You were about to say something just as the door opened, the two men halted in their tracks. Frozen in place like terrified hens, while you were merely curious to who could have made the men so scared. They raised their guns as loud footsteps and the clanking of a mans boots echoed throughout the now silent room.

"Don't you dare move another step, Deathslinger."

The sheriff smoking the cigarette warned, you looked behind you to see Deathslinger yourself. Your eyes trailed his every movement, on high guard to see what would happen next. Would he kill you and the two men in here and put it as more tallies on his list? Or would he.... You shook your head, before trying to wiggle out of your restraints. You felt one of the men's pistols press against your head, as you slowly looked up to see his head turn towards the other outlaw.

"Come any closer... And I'll shoot her."

My oh my, was this asshole getting desperate? You were about to say something to him, but before you could part your lips to speak blood shot all over you followed by 2 loud screams of terror. You squeezed your eyes shut to be scared less of the tragic scene in front of you. It was silent for all too long before you felt his hands undo the ropes that was holding you hostage to the chair.

"There you go, little lady."

He tilted his hat in a friendly matter, like a friend to a friend, before leaving. Leaving you there. Tons of emotions rushed over you that you thought you'd never feel as an outlaw to the wild west. Confusion, terror, and a sense of trust. It only became more noticeable as you were left there in the silent room, the scent of blood creeping up your nose like a bad dream. You shook your head before collecting your belongings and stealing the men's valuables to sell later at a store or go to your camp to rest or re-locate. You walked out before getting on one of their horses and racing of in which ever direction. As your hair flowed in the wind, you couldn't help but smile, or feel some sort of respect. Deathslinger saved you, and killed the sheriffs before leaving, like a hero in disguise. As you entered the woods, the moon shone down on you brightly as you were stopped by a fork in the road. You looked at both roads carefully, looking from where you were to see if you saw potential dangers like traps or wild animals of the sorts that would like to devour you and your new companion. Nevertheless, you took the left. Galloping with the horse until you found a camp, accompanied by a man. You stopped, tieing the horse's lead to a branch before approaching him and slicing his throat. Watching him squirm and gasp until you knew for sure he was dead. You dragged the body away from camp before coming back to camp and walking a bit away to un-lead the horse and bring it by the toasty fire. You looked around for food, but the only thing you found was booze. Disgusted you went to the tent to get some shut eye. Only to be awoken to the presence of a figure somewhere near you.

"Why hello there my little lady,"

He laughed to himself, before taking a sip of the cheap booze left behind by the man. You felt.... A bit offended by his quick claim on you but there was nothing you could really say to him.... If you didn't still want to be in one piece.....

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