Wraith x Child! Reader < Old >

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8 years old

You woke up in a small red space, you looked up to realize there were big doors. "H-Hello?" You said while trying to get the doors open. You heard two people conversating outside of the locker you were in. "Dwight get some supplie-" "H-Hello?" You said trying to push on the locker doors. Dwight went over to the door and he looked down at you. A gasp emitted his mouth as he picked you up, showing the other girl as you heard a gasp too. "Is there something wrong with me?" You thought, not exactly to sure what to do.. "Whats your name sweetie..?" She asked, her soft brown eyes matching her smile. "Y/n." You said confidentiality, smiling at the woman. "I'm Claudette, and thats Dwight." We both heard a bell afterwards and they Dwight held onto you tight as he ran.

"Ding, dong dingg"

You realized you had dropped your stuffed bear as he ran, as much as you wanted to get it. You couldnt, number 1, Dwight had a firm grasp on you. And 2, it didnt seem to be the best idea. They waited, and as soon as Dwight went to get up. You could feel a heartbeat, it started to hurt your ears because of the volume it went too. "RUN!" Claudette said as Dwight got up, both of them running in different directions. But the Wraith was more interested by what Dwight had in his hands, he decided to follow him and Y/n. "Dwight!" Claudette almost screamed, trying to make as much noise as possible to grab his attention. But nothing happened, instead a grunt was heard. And a thump, the Wraith looked down, and what Dwight had in his arms suprised him.

Wraiths Pov
I looked down at what Dwight had in his arms, and it was a small girl. "D-Dont take her." Dwight managed to say while on the ground holding her as tight as he could. But I easily removed her from his arms and dropped both weapons. "P-Please she's just a child.." Dwight managed to choke out yet again as I picked up my weapon and left.

"C-Can we go back for my teddy bear?" You asked him as he turned his head. "Where'd you leave it?" He asked you, as you tried to remember. "It was this giant box, with a few lockers." You said, hoping he knows where that is. And to your suprise, he did! He brought you back to the shack and your teddy bear was on the floor, never touched since then. He set you down on the ground and watched you run twords it and pick it up. "Timmy!" You managed to squeak out as you hugged the teddy bear, smelling home radiate off of it. You bury your face into it, you yawn and look up at the man. A tall thin man, with a cloak that covers his covers his shoulders. His arms were skinny as well as his legs, his mid section was covered in bandages. You marveled at this, without hesitation your naive self said; "Superhero!" He was quite shocked by this, and decided to go along so that you wouldn't run away. You smile at him as he picks you up, and into the garage of a gas station of some sort. You yawned as he sat down, you on top of his lap. He put his arms around you like a caring father, his warmth cradling you to sleep. While you dreamt of having a tea party with him, smiling as he looked down at you. He couldnt help but be filled with happiness, your pure soul was the only thing that keeping him from killing the rest of the survivors. And he would protect you if thats the last thing he'd do, Nea looked at him from the distance and put his finger to his lips. Telling her to shut up while the sleeping Y/n was sleeping in his arms, "Aww oh my god you look like a father~~" Nea teased while Wraith simply flipped her off while watching her run away as he himself fell asleep as well.

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