Yandere! Oni x Male! Reader (with a tail~)

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Sprinting, dodging the raging oni who decided that you were perfect to be targeted the majority of the round. It was frustrating, but thankful at the same time. It seemed that he wasn't necessarily trying to kill you but more likely just chasing you for the hell of his amusement... You sighed as you saw a pole up ahead, you smirked. Knowing he'd probably run into it was the funny part. You grabbed onto the pole before using it for momentum as you turned sharply on the wet mud, almost making you slide. You wagged your tail as you laughed hearing the clank of old samurai armor clank against the pole. You looked back before smirking before running into something. 


A squeak came from the other person's lips as you slowly opened your eyes to be met with Jake. He was looking down at your toned figure, only for you to both realize the awkward position you both were in.


You both let out as you both only stared at each other. The time seeming to pass by slowly, the only thing waking you both from you're trance was your fellow survivor meg screaming as a loud roar shook the ground. You both swiftly separated the awkward  position as you coughed.

"No homo right-?"

You said, even though your fluffy tail was at a faster pace of wagging than usual. You huffed out as you heard footsteps, you knew that it wasn't like Jake could hear his thundering footsteps anyways... But where were they coming from? That was something you didn't know exactly how to handle, your dog ears could always sense something from far away but most the time it was hard identifying from where the noise was coming from and which direction.  You just hoped you could end up dodging in time and at this point Jake had disappeared without a trace, though it was usually normal just because of the fact that whenever he was around you he was usually silent and just stared. It was pretty weird and you caught him being blank minded in a few trials before... Could he just be out of character these last rounds because... Because of you? You shook your head, now's not the time to be deep in thought, your tail wagged faster as you were finally snapped out of your thoughts when your tail hit mysterious metal. Surprised by the sudden gong noise was made and your aching tail you whimpered, gripping on to your tail. But when you went to turn around the only thing that stared at you were glowing red eyes as large hand picked you up and into his arms. Cradling you like...... Like a baby? You were more confused than anything else.. However you tried struggling away from his grasp when he only held your frame tighter. You felt your face flush from embarrassment as you crossed your arms as you sighed, biting your lip and closing your eyes. You could only hear a deep chuckle as your tail only wagged faster in pace, your eyes still closed. You didn't dare make eye contact with the oni who was cradling you in his arms, your size difference was quite... Uhm... Interesting. You were about 5'7 and he was about 6 foot? You only opened your eyes to see he had been walking around with you this entire time, by completed generators... Wait- Where had everyone else gone? Your question was answered as soon as he set you down you saw Jake along with Claudette look at you from behind the corner of the wooden structure. You let out a shaky sigh as your heart only rapidly beat against your ribs, you couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or from the Oni standing directly behind you... Either way both if these things made your heart beat faster as your fluffy tail only wagged faster. You let out a shaky sigh as your mind was so distracted you accidentally connected the wrong wires, the hot feeling of a sparks hitting your hands brought you back to your senses as you jolted back in surprise. 


You were intsantly turned swiftly around as the Oni looked at your hands carefully. Inspecting your now red and sore hands. You lightly pulled your hands away to pat his head before continuing to do the generator. You expected him to go away by the time 3 generators rung but he didn't. He sat by your side like a loyal dog, you huffed. Doing the generator as he stood up, helping you up like you couldn't do that yourself and brushed some of the dry dirt off your shirt. You tensed up in shock, your thoughts were feeding you dirty thoughts as his hands brushed against your chest area just to get the dirt off. How did such a kind-hearted gesture become dirty-minded? You shook your head as he finished wiping you off, staring down at you before you. You guys were just staring at each other, the awkward silence filling the gap in-between the two of you. 

"I can't believe I'm doing this.." 

You sighed out with a smile as you grabbed his hand, his gaze only softened through the mask. He was willing to go anywhere with you as long as your tiny hands could embrace his larger ones. It brought a smile to his face, for the first time ever in his existence since he was brought to this world. 

"Follow me,"

You said, leading him over to the exit as you let go of his hand and sat on the grass, patting the area next to you. He quickly sat down, letting the impact of his body shake the ground as he wiped some dirt off the shoulders of his Karuta. Although nothing was said for a while, you both were spaced out in your guy's own thoughts and the Oni was content with sitting next to you. He really couldn't ask for anything else, being around you made his heart swell with warm feelings that he couldn't describe even if he wanted too. The brute was overjoyed to sit next to you. Sitting next to you only helped calm those irrational thoughts he constantly had when you weren't there. The grass next to him swayed in debate as you got up to pull down the lever. As you pulled it down, a small clank was heard and you waited. Waited for the stupid door to open, it was a rough trial being overwhelmed by feelings... Feelings you never knew you had for... Nevermind- You shook your head as the gate rung followed by the creaking of the large rusty doors as the Oni looked at you in a confusion. He watched as you pat him on the head before going into the small area past the large doors. The Oni got up quickly, he didn't want you to leave. Not yet..!

"Don't leave..."

Suprised you looked down at the Oni. Who had a gentle, yet firm grip on your arm. A whimper in his voice as he spoke. You never really knew he could talk, you just thought he was a mute.. You stared at him for a moment, as you tried to pull away his grip became a bit tighter on your hand.


He said again, in a sad protest. You were his ray of light in this dark bleak world. Even if it was small the way he viewed you was a candle lighting up a room. You were his candlelight. As you looked down at him with sorrowful eyes dark thoughts raced through his head like a storm. He had to make sure you were always ok, and if anyone hurt you... Oh ho ho.... If anyone hurt you he was going to break the number one rule of the game and cross whatever border he had to just to protect you. He smiled underneath his mask, before letting your hand go. Waving shyly at you as you ran through the grass feild, eventually getting back to camp. Causing the Oni to laugh to himself.

"You're all mine..."

He muttered happily, hugging himself imagining your small frame trying to hug him. He was happy with his decision. Now it was just time to see how his little crush would play out hm..?

NOTE: Omg! Thank you all so much! I wanted to say happy pride month to all you Lgbtq+ people its been a long road since I started this book. All the way back in 2020, all because I was bored XD (but thats not the main focus here). I cannot thank you guys enough for all the support you have given this book and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! :D

-Callie Afton

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