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I wake up from the sound of my alarm at 6.30 am. I wanted to wake up extra early today to make my first day perfect. I jump out of my bed and walk to my closet to get my toiletries and a towel. I don't expect the showers to be busy at this time, so I think I can take my time showering.

I arrive at the bathroom that's exactly 1 minute from my dorm room. I walk towards one of the showers and undress. I decide to wash my hair. During my shower, I think about my first day and my schedule for today.

My first class, law, starts at 9 am. I'm an English major, and I don't have to take law but I've always liked it. I've always been very interested in those kinds of things. I'm pretty much interested in everything, except for things like biology and such.

I hop out of the shower and put a towel around my body, that covers me from my chest to a little bit above my knees. I also wrap a towel around my hair to let it dry a little bit. I grab my stuff and walk back to my dorm room. I grab my dirty laundry bag and put the things I wore yesterday and some underwear in it.

I walk over to the window next to my bed and open de blinds. After I made my bed I walk over to the dressing table and grab my brush. I drag the towel off my head and start to brush my hair. I hate and love my hair at the same time. My hair is pretty long, I'd say it comes to halfway of my back. But brushing my hair is a pain in the arse.

After brushing my hair for somewhat ten minutes, I walk over to my closet and grab some underwear out of it and put them on. I stare at my closet for a few minutes to look at what I'm going to wear. The weather is really nice today, I heard it was going to be around 80 degrees today, what would be like 27 degrees in Celcius.

After 10 minutes I've finally picked out what I'm going to wear. I'm not so picky with clothes, and there's nothing particular in my closet that I don't like, so it's never that hard for me to pick an outfit. Except for today, but I just want to make a good first impression.

I grab the green floral dress out of my closet and put it on. I also take a white cardigan from a hanger and put it on, knowing it will be a bit cold without it in the morning. I put on my socks and white sneakers. I walk over to the dressing table and put some accessories on. I look into the mirror and decide I'm pretty happy with my outfit.

I don't really wear makeup, so I just put some creme on my face and fix my eyebrows a bit and I'm done

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I don't really wear makeup, so I just put some creme on my face and fix my eyebrows a bit and I'm done. I grab some perfume and bring it to my neck and my wrists. I look at the time and see it's almost 8 am. I grab a bag with the text In omnia paratus on it. Did I take Latin in high school? Yes. Did I watch Gilmore Girls and am I obsessed? Also yes.

I walk over to my shelves with school books, grab all the books I need today, and notebooks. I grab my phone and put it in my bag along with it ends with us, a water bottle and an apple.

I take my keys from the bedside table and walk out the turn. I turn around to lock my door and walk downstairs, out of the dorm building.

This place is absolutely breathtaking. The pool in the middle of all the buildings, the grass, the building itself looks like a flipping castle.

I walk into the main building with a map in my hand, which says that the cafeteria is on my right. I look and turn on my right, walking into the cafeteria. I slide my card and grab a plate and tray.

So many things. Wow. I decide to take an avocado toast, a blueberry muffin and some coffee. I never eat this much at breakfast, but looking at the food I see here, I just can't turn it down.

I walk away and look for a table. Almost every table is already full. I walk further and see a small table in the back. A smile appears on my face as a walk towards the small table with the tray in my hands. I place the tray down on the table and take a seat.

I grab my book from my bag and open it while taking a sip from my coffee. I take a small bite from the delicious avocado toast, enjoying every single second of the taste on my tongue. I read and eat and sip, until after somewhat fifteen minutes, I've finished eating.


When I arrive at my first class, just a few minutes after the professor, I walk into the huge auditorium that I'm amazed by. I've dreamed of being here, following a class so many times. And now, my dream has finally come true. 

"Good morning class, and welcome to law 101. I am professor Weiner." He stops and a few students snort. Mean. "Yeah yeah, laugh all you want. My last name may be a joke, but this class certainly isn't. Whether you're here for a law degree, or anything else. My main goal is for you, to succeed in this class. And that is what I'm going to do." 

"Seeing as this is your first class of the year, the semester, of this day even, we're going to start off simple with a few questions. Just raise your hand if you know the answer." 

"What are the four main types of law?" He asks and I instantly throw my hand in the air. "Yes, miss..?

"Andri. Mallory Andri. Tort law, contract law, property law and criminal law."

"Very good Miss Andri. Now, what is an informal negative sanction."

"An unofficial, non-governmental punishment for violations of social norms." I mumble, louder than I should. "Sorry," I speak up louder.

"Do not apologise for being smart, Miss Andri. However, I am beyond disappointed in the rest of you. Never, come to a class unprepared." He turns to me. "What are common laws, Miss Andri?" He questions and I feel a little smile turn on my face.

"Common law is a body of unwritten laws based on legal precedents established by the courts." I say and I feel a little confidence boost kick in.

"Excellent. You are from Australia, yes?" I nod. "What kind of law do they have there?"

"A common law-jurisdiction, sir." 

"And what exactly, is that. Miss Andri."

"A law that is derived from judicial decisions instead of statutes." 

"Very well. Are you a law student?" 

"No sir. English."

"What a shame." He steps away, looking at the whole class. "Why are you not writing this down?" Chillax, Snape. 

"Grab your notes class, get ready to write." I grab my notes and a pen, and he starts talking. I'm a fast and neat writer. So writing at a certain speed without screwing up my notes is not a problem for me.

I like him. It seems like he is one of those pushy professors. The one that will push you over the edge until your dead. But then with a school of course.


Next chapter with one of our favourite professors

Professor Weiner is obviously inspired by friends :)

Longer chapters coming up

good day x

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