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I step out of the bathroom with one towel wrapped around my body, and another one on my head, keeping my hair up and letting it dry just a little bit. It also gives me these really long curls, pretty cute.

I've had my own bedroom, and this was the first night we slept here in the huge mansion here in Rome and I slept alone.

I don't know why, but somehow it felt very weird. And for some strange reason, I didn't feel very safe sleeping alone after everything that's happened.

I have to admit I've been a little jumpy every time I hear something or whenever someone enters a room I'm alone in.

I know they noticed how jumpy I am, but can you blame me?

I barely talked to them about what happened. They've asked me about it, but I told them I'm not ready to tell them everything just yet.

Obviously, they now know about my childhood and the fewer things that had happened in it, but I haven't told them much about what happened the past week.

The reason I haven't isn't that I'm scared to tell them or scared for what they might think or say. The reason I haven't told them is that I'm just so done with it, with everything.

I know how they are and they would just be even more careful around me and I know just how much they are going to pity me. And I hate it when people pity me.

After a few times of asking me and each time I got mad at them, because they know I don't want to talk about it, they just stopped asking and I told them I'll tell them when I want to and when I'm ready. Which I'm not yet.

Anyway, today is going to be the first day in Rome, and of course we're going into the city which I'm so fucking excited form.

Rome has been one of my must-go-to places since I can remember. Along with some other cities like Paris, Kyoto, Dubrovnik, Rio and some others. And after I graduate from college, I'm going to work for about a year and save everything up so that then I can visit all those cities I've been dreaming to go to for so long.

It's only 8 am, and for some reason, I've been up for almost two hours already, I just couldn't;t manage to get back to sleep so I decided to just get out of bed and take a shower and get ready. And I'm going to surprise them with breakfast, as a thank you for everything.

As I'm standing in front of the mirror I look at the bruises on my face and some on my shoulder. The scars on my face catch my attention as I see they haven't faded yet, and I think they are going to be one of those permanent scars. They're quite a lot of them, fucking great.

I sigh before I push the thoughts away and decide to get ready after breakfast, so I put on an oversized black Nike hoodie from Val and some of his Nike shorts that are way too big for me and almost all off my hips.

I get my hair out of the towel and lightly brush it. I barely ever have knots in my hair, which is quite weird because my hair is pretty long and very thick.

After brushing my hair I out my brush way and dry my hair a little with the towel, making my hair kind of a mess, but who the fuck cares? I sure as hell don't.

I walk out of my room and I forgot how big the house was, I wonder how he could afford all of this. Perhaps his family owns it? I don't know, I'll ask him later though.

As I walk down the big stairs I have to remind myself where the kitchen is for a second, I've totally lost my sense of direction.

I walk to the right where the kitchen and the dining room are, and in that room, there are two doors. One goes outside into the most beautiful garden. And I don't know where the other door leads to, as it's locked. I've tried asking him but he just dodges the question.

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