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Waking up in a bed in a room I've never seen before, makes me feel like those men got me after all. I don't know how because I'm pretty sure they all got shot and felt to the ground faster than you can say Poughkeepsie, but they must have gotten me somehow. At least that's what I think.

My thoughts are proved to be wrong when I see my newfound brother, Eyal, walking into the strange room with a worried kind of look washing over his whole face, and I sit up on the bed where I was just laying on.

The second he sees I'm awake he rushes over to me when I try to stand up from my place on the bed, and he places his hand on my back and he puts me down on the bed again, knowing I'm probably either too dizzy or tired to be able to even stand in the first place.

"How are you feeling?" Is what he asks and I just shrug, not being able to describe whatever the fuck I'm feeling right now.

"Where am I?" Is all I manage to say to him, scanning the whole hotel room while my pupils get wider and wider.

"Relax, I just brought you to my hotel. You kind of passed out."

That is when the whole night before reappeared back into my mind and I play the whole scenery in my head.

The toilet cubicle, the god knows how many men standing outside of it, forcing me to come out of it, which stupidly enough I did.

But I did something I didn't think I ever would or would even have to do.

I shot someone.


If the guy is dead, it means I killed someone. I really hope thy if I killed him he was a serial killer, cause I don't think they'd put me in jail the rest of my life.

Unless he wasn't. He could be some innocent man. He could have children and a wife. He could have a family and I took him away from his loved ones.

"You didn't kill him. You should have though." Eyal suddenly speaks up, as if he was reading my mind this whole time knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"How did you-" I'm cut off by the big bro in rescue. Feels weird to actually have a brother.

"I'm an FBI agent, I'm trained on these kind of things. Plus, you're facial expression gives it all away. The terror on your face, laughable." He chuckles and I give him a dead stare.

"He's waiting outside for you. He was really worried about you." He says making me wonder who he's talking about. It better not be fucking Victor.

I look at my brother with a confused look on my face and in a few seconds he seems to reckon how confused I am and he speaks up.

"The Professor. Mateo, I believe. Don't worry sissy, I won't spill your little secret."

This bitch.

He best not have been stalking me.

Oh god, what if he saw-

No. No need to worry about that. He's my brother, he'd turn it off. Right?

He stands up and he walks to the hotel room door and looks at me once more before opening the door. I look back at the door and the second I see his face I stand up and a feeling I can't seem to describe rushes through me.

I don't walk over to him, I simply just stand still next to the bed while I see Eyal nodding at me and leaving the room, closing the door.

Mateo rushes over to me until he's standing only a few inches away from me. He places his hands on both my cheeks and he brings my head closer to his.

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