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We are so fucking stupid. She told us she loved us. Val and I stood there, completely silent. We didn't say anything, but we should have. The look on her face when Mateo didn't say it back, when neither of us said it back, broke my heart.

I wanted to say it back. I was going to say it back. But I was just so speechless. I was so speechless that, as hard as I tried to open my mouth, I couldn't. I physically couldn't because I was in some sort of shock.

I was in shock because never in these five months could I ever have thought of those words coming out of my girls pretty little mouth. I didn't think it was all about the sex for her. She wanted feelings involved, and so did we. With her at least.

We've had other submissives. But there was always one of us three that wasn't always completely happy with them. And we made a rule that either we're all happy with our submissive, or we'll find another one.

The other submissives we've had have caught feelings for us in the past. Surely, we cared for them, but that was it. We didn't want love to be involved because we know how much pain and love mixed together can get out of hand.

When I was younger, around 17 years old, senior year, there was this girl in my class. To be honest, as a teenager, I was a total nerd. I looked good might I say so myself, but who would want to date the nerdy kid? No one.

But that girl, Emma, her name was, she was the most beautiful girl I has ever seen at that time. She made me feel some sort of way every time a smile entered her face. Of course, she wasn't smiling at me, but I would like to think she was.

After some months I was done not being able to get her, I wanted her to be mine, I wanted her so bad. So, I changed. I got rid of my glasses, I went to the gym, god I even started to hang out with those awful jocks. They truly are awful.

And when I changed, she finally saw me. One day she came up to me, and she asked me out, leaving me completely stunned. 

Being with her were the happiest months of my high school years. No one had ever seen me or noticed me. When they did, they would either ignore me or say bad things to me. Words never did anything to me, because I know I was better than to listen to that crap.

We went out, we dated until graduation, when I found out she cheated on me with Travis, one of my supposedly jock friends. 

I didn't find out myself, in fact, I found out from one of her friends. Her friend told me it had already been two months since she started cheating on me. she had been cheating on me for two whole months, and I was stupid enough not to notice.

I did the most simple thing. I accused her of cheating, which I know she did, but she denied she cheated on me. She told me she would never do that to me because she loves me oh so deeply. Yeah right.

She then broke up with me. She said she couldn't be with someone that didn't trust her. Someone who trusted her best friend over herself. But I was right now to trust her because, after only a week, she ended up in the arms of Travis.

It broke my heart. Knowing she was sleeping Travis was breaking one side of my heart. But seeing her in his arms only a week later, broke the other half. 

I was so deeply in love with her. I was utterly obsessed with her that I almost didn't go to University as I had always dreamed of. 

But luckily I did, along with my two best friends. I've known both Mateo and Val since we were young, but we didn't go to the same school due to several reasons. That's why I didn't have friends in high school, I simply didn't need them because I already had two of the best friends I could ever wish for.

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