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"We're here." The driver says to us, and Mateo hands him some money before stepping out of the car, taking my hand after to help me step out of the car.

Not that I need it.

Elijah and Val follow after me as they were ik the back with me, and Mateo was in the front next to the driver.

As I step out of the car I look to my left, and it looks like what is a metro station.

And as I look to my far right, I can see one of the things I've been dying to see my whole life.

The colosseum.

Wow, it's even more beautiful than on the pictures. Holy fucking shi-.

No. No swearing while in Rome. We are NOT going to disrespect god, and especially not the pope.

"Come on, other people want to pass." Mateo grabs my arm and pulls me away, letting other people pass.

"This is so beautiful." I wat as we walk around the colosseum, and I take a lot of pictured with my phone that's in my right hand.

The pictures won't be that good since I haven't brought my camera. My pictures would be so gorgeous with my mom's old camera.

"You want to go inside? It's not that spectacular, basically a shit ton of stones and bricks and stuff but-" I cut Mateo of with my excitement.

"oh my god yes!" I say to excited, feeling the way you feel when you've overstayed your visit.

"Yes please." I cough, recovering from my previous answer.

"Let's go then." Mateo places his hand on my back and leads me to the place you can pay for your tickets.

I've read you can't always visit the colosseum. And like Mateo said, it's not that special which I know. But I just think the building itself so spectacular. If you can even call it a building in the first place.

"That will be ninety-six euros." The man with a very clear Italian accent says.

Isn't that a shit ton of money?

I look at Mateo and see him give the man a hundred euro note.

Right, he's rich or something.

"Right through there, and then you're in." He hands us a cart with all the rules.

Rules such as not taking things, not destroying things and other stuff like that. Who would be dumb enough to touch two-thousand-year-old stones?

Not me.

As we walk through some side halls, u look up and notice just now how old it actually is.

I mean, you know it's two-thousand years old, but seeing it like this, it's really fascinating. Just think about how cool it is that they were able to build something like this without any of the techniques we have today.

As we go to the right we pass through another hall and you can see more light. And I look further and see it's the Arena.


We walk further into the Arena and walk to a railing, and when you look down you can see the place the gladiators used to fight in.

We walk through the big arena and look around for another twenty minutes and as we want to go see other parts of the colosseum, we are informed that it's closed as it's being reconstructed at the moment, which made me pout.

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