1. Hello, Mr. Wolfie

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Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the crew I ask that you please direct your attention to the monitors above as we review the emergency procedures now that we're few minutes prior to landing....

"Excuse me?"

Bright sighed. He shut his tablet in a slight thud and ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. Now, Bright wasn't an exaggerating guy but how else could he show to the man sitting next to him that he was completely annoyed, if not by his exaggerated body language. It's not like the man was capable of interpreting his signals anyway.

"No sir", Bright said, now too tired to hide his boredom, "for the love of Hollywood, I'm not Fiennes tiffin and you're taking too much space in my side."

The man smiled sheepishly and chuckled.

"I am scared of heights, you see."

Bright's face softened a little as waves of nostalgia hit him. What was this feeling? He was missing so much all at once; being afraid of heights long time ago, the excitement of climbing a tree, his soft hands....."

"Sir my daughter has so many posters of your shirtless pictures in her room..she's a big fan of your..."

Bright wasn't listening. He was busy trying to focus his eyes on the air vent nozzle and then outside the window, at the blue canvas peppered with cotton clouds, taking the shape of everything Bright liked. To put it simply, Bright was avoiding a picture of a possible scenario that might be happening some time soon after his visit to his hometown. Because by avoiding a possibility, we actually buy time to prepare ourselves for facing the possibility. And that was all Bright needed; time. That was all Bright never had right; time. He kept telling himself he was fine. You see, a magician taught him this trick years ago, repeat a lie until it becomes your truth. A smile broke into the corner of his lips as he realised the realness of this situation. It was all real....this flight, his journey to home after years, his little devil brother's wedding, his nuclear level of nervousness on anticipating an encounter...it was all real and it was all driving him mad.

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine...

Bright repeated the words like he repeated his thesises during the lectures he were invited to give in colleges. Of course, they were as influential as his thesises were on students. He didn't care anyway. He needed assurance that he was fine. Even if he wasn't, he needed the assurance.

The landing was smooth and it would have been for Bright too, had the man next to him not almost jumped in his lap, stepping on Bright's toes with his pointed shoes.

"What the...."

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.....

Bright repeated to himself as he closed his eyes.

As he was done with all the procedures on the airport, he called Phukong. He should have reached by now.

"Hello? I'm at the airport. Where are you?"

A slightly croacky and jolly voice spoke from the other side, "Looking American, aren't you?"

Bright looked around as he held his phone on his ear. There he was, his devil brother. He waved his hands and Bright snickered. He walked up to the car and they hugged. Bright was so happy and he knew meeting his cheeky brother after years was only one of the reasons. Even the air that filled his lungs made him so happy. He was finally home.

"Congratulations devil..for someone who's destroying his life, you seem very happy."

Phukong chuckled sarcastically, "not everybody wants to be single for the rest of their lives, you know."

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