8. You love me?

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Bright was sitting on the kitchen island as he enjoyed the view of Win and other friends of Phukong playing poker on the table. Katie was lying on sofa, talking to somebody on phone and the little twins were just watching the game intently. Bright's father had returned from his exhibition late night and was sleeping in his room while his mae was still in office. It was early evening and Bright and Win had spent the whole day together, staying in bed and then having lunch with Mr. Aripin. Mr. Aripin was unusually happy to see Bright even when they told him that Bright was just passing by to meet Mr. Aripin. He glanced at his son and nodded mischievously. Win was so unwilling to part and so he called grandma to tell he was coming over because Phukong and his other best friends had disowned him now that he had Bright.

Bright smiled as he saw Win laughing with his friends as they played the game. Win was everything Bright wanted from life, happiness and freedom. What else was he chasing in Bangkok?

"I was afraid my Winnie's heart will break but now I feel it's my grandson who fell harder."

"I'm not your grandson", Bright pouted as he helped his grandma sit beside him.

"If I were, you wouldn't have hidden it from me."

"Hidden what?"

"The fact that you have one more best friend?" He pointed at Win.

Grandma chuckled, "aww who exactly are you jealous of?"

Bright rolled his eyes. He couldn't take his eyes off of Win and so without taking his eyes away, he said, "I still wonder what did he see in me in just a span of few days. Did he tell you?"

Grandma frowned. So Win hadn't told everything to Bright. She decided to keep it for him to tell.

She replied, "I don't know..what have you seen in him within few days?"

Bright sighed, "everything grandma. He's so fucking..."


"Sorry. But he's so amazing. Probably the most amazing person I've ever known. He's smart, kind, sassy, beautiful, handsome, hot.."

"I get it." His grandma cleared her throat, "I don't need more details."

"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly.

She said, "so have you decided where to take this?"

"I don't know. He's still very young. I don't know what should I do."

"Did you tell him you're leaving this Sunday?"

Bright looked around and whispered to her, "I've talked to professor Jennie. She said she could arrange another week of leave for me. I know it's going to affect my cv and might jeopardise my chance to go to USA but she assured me it won't be much of a problem, considering I have never taken major leaves in five years."

She gasped, "you're gonna do all this for Win."

He laughed, "yeah. I know it's crazy. I mean it's me we are talking about. But", he paused and looked at his kiddo arguing with Ohm, "the idea is to do a little more. I want to give us a little more time to get to know each other. Although I already do know about him..a lot."

"Like what?"

"Umm", Bright squeezed his eyes, "like you see that butter on his mouth? Now I know he will wipe it off using his left index finger and then look at his finger for a second and scrunch his nose and then lick it."

Loving You Clumsily [BRIGHTWIN]Where stories live. Discover now