12. You kissed my pain away

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"Mae", Bright asked from the door, "can I come in?"

"Of course. The meeting just got over. Are others having fun?"

"More than they should", he said and sat on a chair opposite to her. She had been working for the whole day and Bright had brought lunch for so she could eat before they left the farm.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yes?" Bright said.

Mrs. Fern's eyes sparkled and Bright knew it only happened when she talked about her favourite topic in the world other than her work.

"Phukong is getting married. Now I was thinking..."

"Mae!" Bright said annoyingly.

"I'm not talking about your marriage", she snapped, "I have given up on it long time ago, "I'm talking about Katie's."

Bright frowned, "Katie?"

"Yes", she said excitedly, "What do you think about Win?"

Bright almost choked on his saliva. He must be out of his senses to hear Win's name from his mother.

"W-win?" He managed to ask.

She nodded, "he has always been like a family to us. He'd be a perfect son in law. What do you think, is it a good idea?"

"For K-Katie?"

She rolled her eyes, "No for you! Of course for Katie."

"Mae you should retire now", Bright stood from the chair hysterically, "I mean work load is giving you crazy ideas."

"Oww, why are you so angry?"

Bright scoffed, "angry? I'm just laughing because it's very stupid. Win and Katie? They both are so childish and so unfit for each other. l mean I can imagine Win throwing tv remote on her because she has stolen his icecream. Or they both fighting because it's thundering outside and both being afraid of it, telling the other to go near the window and draw the curtains. I mean nobody else understands them more than I do. So Katie must marry someone I approve of for her. And Win must marry......"

His voice trailed off.

"He must marry someone who understands him like me", he whispered slowly.

Mrs. Chivaaree said, "aww my baby, they are so lucky to have a phi like you."

"Mae!" Bright said, "you are missing the point here. They would never agree to it."

Mrs. Fern smiled in a victory, "Well, if that's the only concern, don't worry. I have talked to Win already and he said he is okay with it."


"I said Win already.."

"I know what you said. See you at the orchard."

With that, Bright rushed out of the building and walked towards the orchard where everybody was wrapping things up now that they had to leave soon. He knew Win was going to take the twins and Katie in his car while Phukong was going with his other friends. Bright ran towards them and as Win was about to get in the car, he pulled him quickly but gently to his side, startling him and the others.

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