special chapter:1

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Win was slightly dizzy from alcohol as he watched his friends fooling around with women, dancing like they were the coolest studs in the club. He was smiling and was it the smile or the alcohol that kept attracting men towards him, he didn't know. He just knew his smile was attractive. How? Because Mr. Wolfie told him.

"Mr. Wolfie.." he muttered dizzily.

"Can I get you another drink?"

Win looked up with heavy eyes to find a, tall, brawny man with spiked hair and a tattoo on his left shoulder. He looked...okay. Win chuckled dryly and flashed his ring finger to the man.

"I'm married." He said nonchalantly.

The man frowned and shrugged, "I'm the bartender."

Win made an o from him mouth and nodded hastily. Of course he needed another drink and then another and then another. He must be filled to the brim of his system because it would require a lot of alcohol to book flight ticket to USA. It's been four months since Mr. Bright left for Oregon after Phukong and Waan's wedding and luckily, Win's job had kept him busy too. He was now working under a one year contract with KP trips, one of the most prestigious travel companies in Bangkok and it was as wonderful as he had imagined. The pay was grand, he was getting more space to grow and work was keeping him from going crazy over the torturous separation from Mr. Bright. But then, Mona had to be a bitch and ruin everything.

"Who's Mona?"

Win flinched as he heard a voice and he saw the bartender looking at him curiously, wiping the glasses with a cloth. He thought he was only thinking inside his brain. May be the thoughts were spilling outside too.

He sighed, "Mona is a colleague. She came in office one day telling everyone how she got married in Venice." And after a pause, he muttered again, "that bitch.."

He knew it wasn't Mona's fault that their wedding was this close and yet...

Bartender looked confused and he probably would have asked more, had not the other customers called for him. Win stood from his chair and waved at his friends who were still busy dancing. He stumbled on the floor and walked out of the club, reaching towards his car.


He saw a familiar face asking him for his keys, saying something about dropping Win off.

He chuckled dryly, "I'm sorry but I'm married."

Fong rolled his eyes, not again, he thought. He snatched keys from Win's hand and forced him to seat in the passenger seat.

Win looked through the window and he was feeling better now the cool wind was slapping his face with some soberness. His eyes traced the canopy of sparkly buildings and shops, the yellow and red lights of cars that were passing by like ant rails and the dark sky that didn't look like sky at all. The lights were blinding his eyes and there was no space for darkness, even though it was night. He touched his ring and felt a lump in his throat. Something was happening to him. Something familiar but only more weird, something annoying, something he always felt and he was used to it but tonight, it was just enormous. The defeaning sounds on road, clamour at the streets and even the monotonous blabbering of the man next to him (wait, he did tell him he's married, right?) did not reach to his ears. He didn't feel the warm upholstery of the seat, the reek of  alcohol and car, the fabric on his body. He only felt the soft wind and brutal ring. It was funny, he thought, how something he did everyday was now feeling like a big deal; missing Mr. Bright. May be it was a big deal. May be this is how it's supposed to be; that some days he misses him just the right amount when it's possible to tell Mr. Bright that he misses him so he could tell him that he misses him too and they could laugh it away. But some days, he misses him so much that it does not remain a cute, lovey gesture anymore and becomes a big, heavy rock of pain that thrashes him to his edge of madness. Today has been one such day and he could not stop wishing for him to surprise him in his apartment in the morning, or appear in his office so they could make out sneakily, or may be show up in the club to drive the flirters away. Call him dramatic, but Win was missing his Mr. Wolfie so much he felt he could die.

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