3. Do not close your eyes

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By the time Bright came downstairs, his family was already on the dining table, causing a chaos over food. He saw Boom and Bloom, his young twin cousins fighting for salmon while Phukong was arguing with Mike, Bright's childhood best friend. Katie was trying to feed her boyfriend, Kim while his mother kept babbling about some fried potatoes and milkshake that didn't make any sense to anybody. He sighed, his family was crazy, they've long established that. But it was just the right amount of craziness and Bright, to be honest, missed this chaos every morning in Bangkok. His eyes landed on his grandmother who was sitting in a corner, sighing at the sight, probably wondering how did her sane family end up like this. Bright chuckled and came close to her. He kissed her hands and sat down, near her chair, keeping his head in her lap.

"Good morning grandma."

"Take me with you to Bangkok. This family is mad."

"I thought you loved them?"

"I only love you."

Bright giggled. They had always been each other's favourite. Bright shared everything with her, even the dilemmas he suffered as a teenager regarding his sexuality. She had always been his secret keeper.

"So...was last night fun?"

Bright smiled as the memories returned. He whispered, "yes. But the party was boring."

"You didn't escape, did you?"

Bright nodded, "I did actually. Only this time I wasn't alone."

Grandma smiled and pinched his nose, "good for my baby."

Bright frowned and then laughed.

"So..what's the plan today?"

"Um..you know Joss? My high school crush?"

"Don't tell me you're going on a date?"

"I shouldn't?"

"Are you?"

"No", Bright said confusingly, "I mean he just asked me to hang out together and..."

"Where are you hanging out?"

Bright squeezed his eyes, "you're gonna follow me?"

"I might." Grandma winked.

He laughed and told her they were going to Gleezone for playing some games and then for a dinner somewhere.

"Phi..my friends are coming over", Phukong said, "want to meet you."

"I'm a little busy today..need to run some errands in bank. Tell nongs tomorrow may be?"


"Where's Grace?"

He realised he hadn't seen her since the party.

"Um..still sleeping", Katie said.

Bright nodded and called Boss. They had decided to hang out at his place. He ate his breakfast and asked Katie to take care of Grace while he'd be out.


"....and then, he finally believed that I was indeed a big fan. I still have that photo when he signed on my butt, man what a crazy moment."

Bright was having a hard time to concentrate but he was not good at pretending to be interested when he was not. May be he could have showed interest, but he was scared if that would encourage Joss to go on for another one hour rambling about this one accidental but great encounter with Gregory porter.

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