2. I'm a magician

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Seven years ago, the summer

"....We had found the stars..you and I. And this is given once only...now how good is that?" Grace said while keeping the book in her lap and looked at Bright, who was sleeping or staring in space, she couldn't tell. He was wearing black shades and one would be stupid to think it was because he was embarrassed to show how afraid he was of flying.


"No I won't believe the plane's crashing. Will you come up with new ways to scare me please?"

Grace rolled her eyes in boredom. The idea of reading a romantic novel to him while they'd be in air excited her so much but here he was, leaning against his chair, with dead open mouth for heaven knew what possible reasons.

She said, "are you even listening to the story?"

"Of course", Bright said defensively, "so what happens after the old woman marries the bear?"

"There is no old woman and no bear in the novel for Christ's sake. It's about two men falling in love over this beautiful summer and...."

"Grace I think I heard a voice. Did we hit a bird?"

Grace sighed. She had long given up on hopes of joining mile high club but at least she could hope for a smooth journey to her almost boyfriend's hometown. But Bright's extreme phobia of heights told her it wasn't happening anytime soon.

"I'm going to washroom."

He nodded absent-mindedly. Grace walked up to the comfort area and washed her face. As she was wiping her face, her eyes locked with a young man, almost her age or a year older. He had round eyes and oval shaped face. He didn't look like Thai, a Chinese perhaps. He was giving her looks and she didn't like it. No, she didn't like because she wasn't supposed to. The man walked up to her and leaned against the door, facing her and offering a bottle.

He said, "so it's true pretty girls fall for stupid boys."

She chuckled dryly, "I wouldn't know. I ain't one."

The man decreased their distance a little and this time, inspite of pushing him away, she cast a quick, careful glance on Bright who was still in his self made safe trance and she sighed. When had they been answerable to each other, anyway?

The man smirked as she grabbed his tie and pulled him inside the bathroom. It's not like Bright would mind, she thought. Friends with benefits don't mind infidelity.


"Char, he's my son, Bright."

Bright said politely, "Swatdee khrab."

"He's studying creative writing in Bangkok, I told you remember?"


"Of course. Very bright, just like your name son."

Bright scratched his nape, "well.."

"Oh and Bright...this is Clair, Char's daughter. Isn't she so pretty?"

"Mae..." Bright hissed, "umm excuse me, I need to find my girlfriend."

He kissed his mother as she gave him a death look but he avoided and walked up to the kitchen. He searched for Grace, she was talking to Mike. Good for her, he thought. Honestly, Bright had been paranoid for bringing Grace to his hometown for summer vacations especially when they were not anywhere near to dating. He didn't want to lie to his family but his mother left him with no choice as he knew she'd be arranging blind dates for him. He remembered how Grace suggested pretending to be his girlfriend so he could avoid arranged dates. Bright had to agree, there was no way his mother would ever understand what problem could he have for marrying when he was single. Besides, Grace was a good friend, well a friend that one sleeps with but hey..it was mutual. Even Grace didn't have time for commitments and she herself had proposed this idea to him six months ago.

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