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One year later

Bright was pacing back and forth, fiddling with his hands. Mike and Boss had just left after giving him a pep talk and he was convinced he was ready. He was wearing a deep charcoal black tux over a white shirt with a black spotted tie. Katie said he had never looked so handsome as today but then, he had never been so nervous as today. May be because he was afraid he'd pass out because of excitement or may be because he was afraid things will be screwed yet again. It was four in the evening and the sweet aroma of Ombre Bergamot candles and hydrangea filled the air, enveloped by the faint whispers of people gathered in the open lawn for wedding. Bright was still in his hotel room, trying not to freak out. What if he messes things up? What if Win says he doesn't want to marry anymore? Wait, what was he going to say in his wedding vows? Bright was almost having a cardiac arrest when he heard a knock on his door.


Bright's eyes widened, why wasn't Win ready yet? He was still in his pajamas and his half wet fringes were messily scattered over his forehead. Bright groaned internally, how could Win expect them to come out of the room if he looked that gorgeous.

"Wow", Win said dreamily. He rushed inside and locked the gate, before leaning in to press his lips against Bright's. They kissed with love and as Bright had expected, Win was calming him down. They made soft noises as their lips moved against each other's, deepening the kiss.

"Mhmm..", Win moaned as Bright pushed his tongue into his mouth, exploring his sweetness. Bright was pulling him closer and he kept running his fingers in Bright's hair and nape.

"You look gorgeous Mr. Wolfie", Win said as they broke the kiss. They were breathing heavily as they pressed their foreheads together.

"Thanks kiddo" Bright blushed, "wait. Did anybody see you coming here?"

Win nodded in a no, "Phi Mike told me you are freaking out. Had to check myself if you are already gone."

"Unfortunately I'm still here.", Bright said pinching his cheeks.

Win giggled, "I'm glad."

"I can't believe we are finally going to-"

"Sshh", Win said keeping his index finger on Bright's lips, "don't say the word. It will be jinxed. I don't want to cancel this for the third time."

Bright laughed, "we are few minutes away from being called for the ceremony. Nothing could stop this wedding today."

Win rolled his eyes, "you never know. The hurdles in our case have always been unique, you see."

Bright sighed amusingly. Win was right. In retrospection, Bright feels like it was indeed miraculous how both of them met and ended up together. He wasn't sure it was destiny but whatever it was, it was mischievous. He remembered how shocked he was to know that Win was the kid he saved from bullies. He still wondered what if he had chosen to avoid him that day? Or what if years ago, he hadn't walked in the balcony and found the cocky boy sitting there with cigarettes in hand? What if that night in Win's room, he had not left the paper that declared in most subtle ways his admission of newly blossomed love? What if he did not figh for Win during Phukong's wedding? There were a lot of what ifs and Bright would often drift in those thoughts, thinking how clumsily fate had made their paths cross and how clumsily they have loved each other. Going away only to come back together, planning wedding only to postpone it again and again. He remembered how a year ago, Win cried at his father's wedding and eveybody thought it was because he was too happy and emotional for his dad (which was partially correct) but only Bright and their friends knew it was because he was mad frustrated for his own marriage that was not even happening.

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