special chapter:2

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Two weeks later

Win was mad hungry by the time his meeting with a client was over. It had been a rough week with all the work baggage that he finally finished sorting out. However, emotionally he was still stressed for he and Bright had gotten into an argument and the last time they talked was three days ago. He tried hard to convince himself that it wasn't his fault to shout on Bright because he broke his promise. Win waited for Bright's birthday like anything and considering they hadn't really been talking too much because of Bright's busy schedule, he was really looking forward for him to make it up to him. But hearing Bright say he had plans with Mr. Pen regarding initial investments and annual compliances, he lost it. Win was not mad, he was just tired and he probably would have remained just that if Bright hadn't said that Win could not get angry because he was doing it all for him. He was offended at the fact that even after trying so much, he was far away from being an understanding partner in Bright's eyes.

"Do you think it's only about your damn birthday, Win had said, "it's about finding excuses to spend more time with you because apparently you keep forgetting to do so."

He wanted to shout some more about the frustration of not having Bright with him when all his friends bring their partners to office parties or may be about having dreams where Bright makes love to him and he wakes up after, feeling alone and mocked..but mostly about how he didn't like the way Bright said he was doing it for Win. It sounded like Win was making him leave his dream company, his dream city and Win would hate nothing more than holding Bright back from doing something he loved. He never said to Bright because he knew he will worry about him but he couldn't help thinking that he was the reason Bright was taking such a big risk. And hearing him say that he was doing it for Win and may be he didn't mean in that context, but it hurt him. Did Win shout about all of this or he didn't, he knew not for he was mad angry now. And so the three terrible days ahead.

But this was it, no more hiding into work and no more convincing himself that he was right because he knew that he was not. Bright was already doing the best he could and he wouldn't even complain about all the pressure from work to Win. And it is him, after all who becomes the bigger person, coming to make up and apologize and only because he'd mean it. May be Bright would not always apologize for being the wrong one if he were not but he'd always be sorry for fighting. They had fought a couple times and now, Win was panicking thinking if distance indeed will devour their vast love like a black sea monster. He picked his cellphone and died a little more seeing twenty seven missed calls and twenty one messeges from Bright, all unacknowledged. How busy he must have been in work to forget checking his phone? Who are you lying to, he asked himself, of course he was avoiding Bright. He called him but Bright didn't receive. He kept trying to call hysterically, knowing it must be midnight and Bright must be sleeping but he should wake up. He should wake up and know that Win was sorry and in love with him and then he could sleep all he want. Win was uncomfortable. He shifted in his chair and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt. Had Mr. Bright already broken up with him? Doesn't that require both the parties? He was biting the inside of his jaws and kept shaking his legs. He wasn't hungry, he was uncomfortable. He was afraid. May be he just needed some fresh air and some Bright Chivaaree but he was getting neither, it seemed. No, at least he could get one and so he got up from his chair and decided to walk out for some fresh air and as he opened the door, his breathe hitched. Bright was standing with one of his hand in air as if to knock and his mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"Surprise.." Bright whispered hesitantly, not knowing where to keep his hands, "um..you might want to ask me to come inside and w-wait-"

Win was kissing Bright like his life depended on it. It took Bright a second to gather himself as Win pulled him inside and push him again on the wall but he was fine now as he melted in Win's urgent kisses. They had missed this and he let Win control for he knew what he must be feeling. Win was kissing Bright to make sure he was real and he was here and he would be with him. Win was kissing sorrys and I love yous. He let him do it until Win slowed and Bright knew it was time to answer him and so he took control. He locked their lips again after catching a breathe and pulled Win closer as he held his small waist. He bit and engulfed Win's lips passionately in his mouth as their hands kept touching each other in an untamed hunger. They had never kissed like this before, the urgency of diffusing into each other, the relief that they would perhaps be fine, the love that remained confined in their hearts as pent up fire; it all was coming out in high power of energies, laced with desire and need, keeping them from coming down to ground. They were in heaven but they needed more.

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