10. Just three more seconds

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"And do not forget to have your meals okay?"

Win nodded.

"Do not eat anything that anybody offers. And don't become very friendly with anybody okay?"

Win shook his head again.

"Enjoy the trip and don't worry about me much okay?"

"Mr. Wolfie, you are the one who's worried here."

"Of course I am. I want my kiddo to be safe out there. You don't even know anybody from the group."

"They are all high school students just like me."

"Still", Bright interrupted, "be careful okay? And keep updating me."

"Ughhh", Win said and covered Bright's mouth with his hand, sitting in his lap. They were at Win's house and Win was almost ready to leave. One of his classmates too was going for the trip and so they were going together.

"Let's forget about me for a while. Are you done with all your packing? The flight is at six in the evening right?"

Bright gulped and just nodded.

Win pouted, "I don't get why don't you come here often? What kind of institute doesn't understand people have homes to go to?"

Bright was silent. He hasn't told anybody that he was planning to go to USA after completing his thesis in Bangkok. Well, except his grandma and his friends. He wasn't sure himself and was waiting for a letter from Bargello publications. Bright had been working really hard since his graduation, learning English and other activities for his CV would drain him and spare no enough time to take breaks. He wondered if he should tell Win about it but timing won't just allow it. He was already sad about Bright leaving tonight.

"I told you I'll try to come as soon as possible."

Win wrapped his hands around Bright's neck and said, "be ready to see me there if you can't make it till the end of next month."


"Six months. Done."

Bright chuckled and pinched his nose, "I've spoiled you too much, haven't I?"

"So it means I can come there?"

"No", Bright said firmly, "you can't. I don't want you to worry about us okay? I'll come soon I promise."

"But what's the problem if I.."

"I won't like it kiddo", Bright said, "I am the older one here so I must take care of you like that."

Win sighed, "I thought relationships are about equality."

Bright smiled, "of course they are. But they're also about doing the best we can for the ones we love. So let me do my best for you, okay?"

Win grinned, "you love me?"

Bright chuckled, "yes. I do."

"You really love me?" Win said with sparkling eyes.

"I really love you."

"Can I kiss you?" He asked again.

Bright frowned, "why do you always ask me? You know you don't need my permission right?"

Loving You Clumsily [BRIGHTWIN]Where stories live. Discover now