Chapter 13

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Skye's POV

Meet me later at our spot.

Our spot?

Is this from Jimin?

That's kind of weird considering we don't have the same class during first period.

How is this possible?

Maybe this message was not intended for me. I guess it just hit the wrong person.

I shrugged and didn't think too much about the written message on the paper.

A few minutes later, the bell finally rang and our teacher came in.

"Good morning, everyone."

Some of us greeted back enthusiastically while others looked bored.

"It looks to me like half of this class haven't had their breakfast yet. Anyway, I hope each and everyone of you will enjoy the rest of the week and do something productive during the summer. On that note, let's begin our class."


~ At the Cafeteria ~

I sat down to our usual seat with Jimin on my right side and Yen in front of us.

"Hey Skye, did you really mean what you said earlier before first period?" Yen asked.

"About what?"

"About getting a summer job." Yen pointed out.

Jimin choked on his sandwich.

"I said that?" I tilted my head.

Yen stared at me like I had two heads.

"Are you really getting a job this summer?" Jimin asked after swallowing.

"I was thinking about it but I don't know yet. I didn't realize I said that, I guess I was a bit distracted earlier this morning."

Suddenly, Kim Taehyung sat beside Yen carrying his tray and plopped it down our table.

"Hiii. Can I eat lunch with you guys?" He asked cutely after doing a weird handshake thing with Jimin.

"Sure Tae, how's your head by the way? Still jetlagged?" Jimin asked while stealing some grapes from Taehyung's tray.

"Nah man, I'm fine. Thanks for yesterday by the way." Taehyung took a bite on his large burger while Jimin kept stealing grapes from him.

"You guys saw each other yesterday?" I asked, softly hitting Jimin's tiny hand that kept stealing Taehyung's grapes without him noticing.

"Yeah. Yoongi picked me up with his car along with Jimin."

"Ahhh." I nodded and continued to eat my lunch which Jin kindly made.

After a few seconds Taehyung suddenly gasped.

"What happened to my grapes?" Taehyung lifted his tray up then look underneath the table.

"So oblivious, like always." Yen mumbled, rolling her eyes.

Jimin tried to hide his laugh by stuffing his face with some rice cake left on his tray.

"Was it you?" Taehyung pointed Yen with his index finger.

She scoffed then stood up picking up her lunch.

"I'll see you later." She looked at me ignoring Taehyung's question then left.

"Well that was rude, I just asked if she ate my grapes." Taehyung crossed his arms.

"She didn't Tae, I did." Jimin chuckled.

"Well why didn't you say so?" Taehyung complained.

"Did you seriously not noticed Jimin's hand continuously grabbing the grapes from your tray?" I asked.

"No, I guess I enjoyed eating my burger too much to even notice." Taehyung shrugged.


"Hey Taehyung, can I ask you something?" I wanted to know what the deal was with him and Yen.


"Did you and Yen dated?"

He looked surprised when I asked.

"No, I don't think so." He nervously laughed. "I mean we hung out before, but never really dated. I mean, I guess you can say I was a flirt back then but-"

"You're still a flirt right now, Tae." Jimin butted in.

"Ya! Don't interrupt me." Taehyung glared at him. He continued. "Where was I? Oh yeah, I flirted a lot with her but I never asked her to be my girlfriend."

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"What's with these questions, Skye?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"I just want to know why she's being cold towards you. She never really mentions you whenever we talk and now that I think about it, she ignores you all the time. That's why you don't hang out with us as often as you did back in freshmen year. Something must have happened with the both of you. So, what is it?" I asked him with the same suspicious eyes he was giving me.

"Oh would you look at that! The bell just rang. Talk to you later." He grabbed his tray then left.

This dude.

"Skye, don't waste your time. Some things are just better off left alone, you know." Jimin said.

"You know something, don't you?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"Me? Pfft. I don't know anything." He denied quickly.

I sat closer and leaned my face very close to his.

"Are you lying to me?" I whispered menacingly.

"No, but I'm liking this position right now." He smirked then pulled me closer which made our nose touch.

I tried to pull away but he wasn't letting me with his arms locked around my waist.

"Jimin, what the hell? Let me go this instant." I tried my best to pull away but this brat isn't letting go.

"What's the password?" Jimin chuckled.

"Password your ass, let me go!"

"What if I don't want to?" He teases.

"Then I-I'll kiss you!" I threatened.

He didn't expect what I said which made his hold on my waist a little loose and that's when I escaped.

I immediately grabbed my lunch and bolted out of the cafeteria.

"Skye! Come back!" He called out.

As if.

He was being too weird today, also I can't forget about the fact that him and Jungkook was about to kiss in my dream earlier this morning.

Could this day be any weirder?

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