Chapter 34

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Jimin's POV

Skye stopped eating mid way when she noticed I brought a plate full of cinnamon rolls. When I set it down on the table, her hand immediately grabbed one and munched away.

She seems to be in her own little world whenever she eats this pastry for some reason. It's just her and the cinnamon rolls.

If genies exist, I would wish to be a cinnamon roll at this very moment.

Skye would be looking at me like I'm the most delicious thing in the world. Being eaten-

Wait. That sounds a little lewd.

Clearing my throat, I stopped my wild imagination and resumed thinking of a plan on how to get Skye alone.

She arrived with Jungkook just as I was going to confess my feelings to her. I was ready to tell her before it was too late, but I was unable to do so because a certain someone kept interrupting.

I don't think Jungkook's a bad guy, but he's messing up my plans. After dinner, I was going to take Skye to a secluded place and tell her that I'd been in love with her for years. But it looks like it's not going to happen, thanks to this banana milk-addicted person. He keeps calling her babe and baby loudly, making sure I hear it every time.

"Babe, try this sushi roll," he said, feeding her.

If I hear babe, one more time-

"Do you like it, babe?"

With her eyes closed, she slowly swung her head side to side while nodding and humming in contentment.

She's so cute.

I gave Skye a glass of water while trying to ignore his annoying pet names, neglecting to see that Jungkook was doing the same.

She awkwardly remarked, "Uhh... guys, thanks for offering your water, but I have my own," before raising her glass slowly and taking a sip.

We've been like this for a while, both offering her everything she needs. Food, utensils, tissues, you name it.

But Skye's only human. And a human can only eat so much and store so much in her stomach.

She excused herself and went to the ladies' room, leaving me here with Jungkook.

The only sound I could hear was the small chatter of the guests and the scraping of the utensils on their plates with the faint background of soft music playing.

"What are you doing here?" Both of us asked at the same time.

"This is my uncle's house. What's your excuse?" I snarked.

"Hoseok invited me," he responded with the same tone.

"You recently moved here. How do you even know him? And why do you keep showing up where Skye and I are? Are you a stalker? Let me tell you right now. I know a cop-"

"-Slow down shorty. First of all, I'm not a stalker. It's not my fault we keep seeing each other in the same places. And how about you? You're always by her side-"

Now, it's my time to cut him off, "Because I'm her best friend."

"More like a tail," he snorted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, not liking his attitude one bit.

He didn't argue anymore and resumed eating like nothing happened.

Tsk. Why am I even wasting my time here?

I should go to Skye and do what I planned to do this evening.

Finally telling my best friend that I'm in love with her.

It's now or never. I left my seat and went to the direction of the ladies' room and patiently waited outside, leaning my back on the wall.

Not a minute later, Skye came out.

Here it goes.


My sudden voice startled her, which made her almost trip on her heels if I hadn't caught her.

Okay, not a good start.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Rubbing her back, I gently helped her get on her feet.

"Pfft, I wasn't scared," she said confidently, fixing the tiny wrinkle that formed on her dress when I caught her.

"You look beautiful. Especially with that dress." I smirked.

I can still remember that satin blue dress from last year. She practically dragged me to the store to buy a gift for her mother, and as we were leaving, we passed the tiny boutique that sells beautiful dresses. She seemed to be staring at that dress for a while, so I knew I had to get it for her birthday.

"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself", she said in return.

I smiled. "Can we talk?"

"Uhh... sure." She looked awkward, avoiding eye contact.

She slightly flinched when I reached out to hold her hand.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Peachy," she responded.

I chuckled. "Let's go then."

I took her upstairs, away from the tumultuous chatter of people and specifically from Jungkook.

Yoongi gave me a heads-up and told me where I could take Skye. Their terrace was surrounded by beautiful plants and lit by numerous twinkling lights.

It's the perfect atmosphere I was planning to have when I finally confess my feelings to my best friend.

"So... what did you want to talk about?"

Take a deep breath and just let it out.

You can do this, Jimin!

"I want to talk about us. Not as friends or best friends, just us," I started. Her furrowed eyebrows indicated that she was confused, so I continued. "When we kissed that night... I don't know how you felt about it, but it was the most amazing thing I've ever felt. Skye, I know this might ruin our friendship, but I can't hold it in any longer. It hurts me when I see you with other guys. I have to endure it because I'm just your best friend and nothing more. I love you. And I want to show you how much I do without you thinking I'm being weird."

"Jimin... since when have you felt this way?"

"I've always loved you, ever since you gave me half of your crayon. The only reason I picked up the same crayon that you were eyeing was because I wanted to get your attention." I explained.

After finally confessing to her, I felt relieved, but when she stayed quiet, I began to feel worried.

She sighed after a few moments and moved toward the railing. Slowly following, I stood next to her.

"What's on your mind?" I asked gently.

"You." She replied calmly.


Why did that make me smile like an idiot?

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