Chapter 36

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Jungkook's POV

It's been half an hour since Skye left to go to the restroom. I hope she's alright. She ate too many different kinds of food in such a short time, maybe her stomach started acting up.

I got up from my seat out of worry and headed for the restroom. I called her name from the door outside and knocked three times, but nobody answered.

I hope she's okay.

This house is excessively huge. Maybe there are other restrooms on each story of the house?

With that thought, I went upstairs and looked for other restrooms. But to no luck, she wasn't there. I'm now on the fourth floor, and still, no one.

As I started going down, voices caught my attention. I took a closer look out of curiosity and immediately regretted it.

Standing there was Skye and Jimin embracing lovingly under the twinkling lights. Her face looked serene with her eyes closed.

They looked like a couple. A perfect one.

There was an ache from my chest from seeing them both like this.

Get out of there.

My mind was telling me to. I accidently bumped into someone as I was rushing to descend. I turned around after hearing a man groan and assisted him in standing up.

"Sorry, I didn't see you. Are you okay?" I asked while lending a hand to help him up.

"I think so. Damn, your body's hard like a rock. I'm guessing you work out," he chuckled while rubbing his shoulder. "Wait, you look familiar. Weren't you at Hobi's party?"

I nodded.

Suddenly his face contorted as if realization hit him. "Wait a minute. You were the one who got his ass spanked and kissed Skye! Right?" He gasped. "Man, I got so drunk that night. Good times, good times."

"Yeah..." I replied awkwardly.

"I'm Taehyung by the way, it's nice to meet- I mean bump into you," he chuckled.

"Jungkook." After shaking hands, we went downstairs.

We both grabbed some food and started conversing. We shared some fundamental details about ourselves, including where we grew up. For some reason, talking with him felt natural and at ease. He was like a brother I could talk about anything with.

"When I visit Busan, maybe you can show me around where you and Hobi grew up?"

"Definitely, it's chill there. Lots of beautiful places and amazing food."

"So... you and Skye?" His voice trailed.

Her name alone makes me feel all giddy. But now it makes me hurt after what I just witnessed earlier.

Is there even a 'me and Skye?'

"Are you guys dating? Even though I was drunk at the party, I remember seeing you both talking really closely," Taehyung said.

"To be honest, I don't know. But what I do know is that I like her very much," I replied with conviction in my voice.

If I don't make a move fast, I might lose her.

"Want to know a secret?" He whispered.

"Sure," shrugging, I replied.

"I used to have a crush on Skye back in middle school but refrained from telling her because I thought her and Jimin liked each other. They're always together so I along with everybody thought they were secretly dating. But when I found out they weren't, I got the courage to ask her out, but sadly, got turned down because of a guy named Park Hyungsik. He was our senior at the time. She was my first heartbreak. I felt down for weeks and then I met Yen." When he mentioned the latter's name, his smile appeared.

"We would hangout and talk all day... but I did something stupid. I hurt her and ignored her because I trusted my 'friends'. They told me she was just using me to get attention from her real crush, so I ghosted her after freshman year. I became a playboy, and started asking girls out even though I don't like them at all. But after Hobi's party, seeing her all dressed up and looking beautiful, I saw guys eyeing her like some kind of meal. I couldn't help myself, I felt jealous so I went to her and apologized then told her everything." After finishing his story, he took a big gulp of his drink.

"And you guys are okay now?" I asked.

"Oh, we're more than okay," he grinned.

"That's great, man." I wish things would also work out with me and Skye.

After we finished our food and talk, we exchanged numbers. I decided to leave early and get some rest.

I need to think of a great place for a second date.

Where should I take her next?

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