Chapter 26

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Skye's POV

Jin and I were having breakfast while talking about my brother's unexpected visit.

"Do you know why he suddenly came back? Not that I don't want him here, because I really do, but I'm just curious."

My cousin just shrugged while getting another serving of kimchi fried rice. I've called my brother's number five times today but he wasn't answering. It's making me worried. Even though he's back here in Korea, I still can't reach him.

Grabbing my phone from my hoodie, I dialed Namjoon's number again.

"Skye, you're still eating. Remember what your parents said? No cellphones in front of the food. You can call him later." Still chewing, Jin scolded me.

I looked at him with the question "are you serious?" painted on my face, while his face says "yes, I'm serious".

Rolling my eyes, I hid my phone and continued eating. He smiled triumphantly and patted my head which made me let out a small smile.

Since Jin always cooks for us, I offered to wash the dishes after breakfast. He went to his room with a nod and informed me he had to leave for work, so I have the house to myself. Well, unless Jimin decides to crash here or if my brother finally pays a visit. Speaking of him, he has yet to return any of my calls. I dialed his phone number once more and waited.

The call just led me to voicemail.

Why is he not answering?

I was pacing back and forth, distracted, until a hand rested on my shoulder. I turned around and saw my best friend.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I asked, surprised, since the front door was locked and I didn't see him during breakfast.

"Didn't you know babe? I'm a ninja." He winked after posing like a ninja, or at least that's what he was attempting to do.

"I think you need to eat. There's still some food left on the table."

"I already ate, kitten. I'm glad that you worry about me." He pulled me in by my waist and leaned his face closer to mine, smirking.

What has gotten into him lately? Since Jungkook moved here, he's been shamelessly flirting nonstop. I'm used to watching him flirt, but not to this extent.

Could it be?


No way

It's impossible. We've known each other for nine years, yet he's never told me he likes me in that way. I don't want to make any assumptions.

I looked at him and found myself speechless.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" His teasing tone should have annoyed me, but instead it made me blush.

I honestly have lost track of how many times he's made me blush.

My phone rang, interrupting our little moment. When I looked at the caller ID, I saw Jungkook's name.

Slowly pulling away from Jimin's arms, I answered. "Hello?"

"Good morning, Skye. Did you have a good rest?" His voice was husky yet sounded so sweet.

"Who's that?" Jimin asked.

I mouthed Jungkook's name and I didn't miss how Jimin rolled his eyes after that.

"Good morning. Yes, I did, how about you?"

"I had a dream about you, so I must have."

He dreamt of me? Now I want to know what exactly happened in that dream, but right now I can't even talk. My brain and my heart are messing with me.

I mean, holy crap! Two guys are flirting with me at the same time! Not to mention, in the fucking morning where my brain cells don't even work at its full capacity.

I don't even know how to respond to what he just said.

"R-really? That's great!"

Wow, Skye. What a genius.

He chuckled. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

Am I?

"If you aren't, text me. I'd like to take you out again."

I told him I'd think about it, and we exchanged goodbyes before ending the call.

"Skye, can you be my date tonight?" Jimin suddenly grabbed my hand in his and gently squeezed it.



He must've seen my dumbstruck face and chuckled. "You see, Hoseok's hosting a party again this year. You know, celebrating the summer and all that."

"When did he invite you?"

And how come I didn't know about this? Hoseok always announces his parties.

"Last week. I guess I forgot to ask anyone out. So, can you please be my date?" He pleaded and pouted his lips.

"Why me? And why the hell do you always wait until the last day to ask?"

Seriously, why are these two asking me out on a date at the same time? First, the flirting and now, this?

Is it a coincidence?

Or is faith trying to tell me something?

"So, is it a yes?" Hearing Jimin's voice distracted me from my cliché thoughts.

Just a second ago, Jungkook asked me out on a date, and now Jimin?

Wow. Guess I'm just that irresistible and oh my gosh! Now my vain thoughts are taking over.

I need to shake these thoughts out of my head.

"You're shaking your head, does that mean it's a no?" Jimin asked, his voice laced with sadness.

When we went last year, Jimin asked me to be his date since he forgot to ask someone out and he mentioned a guy who's friends with his friends who challenged him to bring a decent girl. As a result, he begged me to be his date. I didn't agree right away. I stood my ground, but when he bribed me with free food for a month, who am I to refuse?

"Hmmm... do you have a bargain?" Smirking, my greediness for free stuff slowly starts to show.

Moving closer towards me, he whispers "Whatever my kitten wants." Gulping, I placed my hands on his chest to create a barrier between us.

He gently removed my hands on his chest and surrounded his arms on my waist.

A moment of silence befalls us until a familiar voice asks, "What's going on here?"

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