Say, حسبي الله (sufficient for me is Allaah)

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In the Name of Allaah the Best of Protectors and in Whose Hands lies all cure

Thousands of blessings and peace of Allaah SWT be upon His beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, his blessed descendants and noble companions.
- Aameen

Say, حسبي الله (sufficient for me is Allaah)

This is not an update but those who live here in India will understand what I'm trying to say, that which is happening everyday – the dread, the anxiety, the panic, all caused by something which we cannot even see. We are in full complete lock-downs, contained at homes, celebrating Eid quietly, not visiting anywhere, fearful of our own families lest they would 'contaminate' us. Ah ya Rabbi, what have we reached? The beginning of the end no doubt...

Last year when this covid situation began, everything was strange, different and difficult yet one didn't feel such numbing fear or helplessness that we are going through these days.

I search the blue heavens feeling trapped behind the windows, wondering what in reality is all this ya Rahmana? An elaborate conspiracy to reduce population? Another awful fitnah of the dajjal? We search for the truth, we discuss, read, look up so many articles, videos and at the end all one feels is so many mixed emotions... how can our mind simply wrap around such huge unimaginable atrocities... it doesn't, it shuts down unable to accept, once again feeling helpless and afraid. 

The fact that your own near and dear go through the harrowing experience of fever, testing, hospitals etc; just watching their helplessness and not being able to do anything and the mounting horror that they'll leave you like so many thousands who are passing away at every moment, all you want to do is shout and scream and break down before your Rabbu ta'Ala.

And that is exactly what you do –your heart shudders as you scream internally and your tears fall and fall with no end in sight – ya Rabbi! ya Rabbi what should I do? What should we do? We're so helpless, we're so weak, and we can't even distinguish between truth and falsehood! How is it every single one of us is being fooled so easily, repeatedly? Getting cold and fever is seen now as an onset to imminent death! The private hospitals charge us such exorbitant prices and the government ones have turned into morgues. What should we do ya Rahmana? To whom we can turn if not to Thee ya Ilaahi?

How can we overcome our fear ya Rabbe Dhul Jalaal? It is not the death we are afraid of, but the way they keep portraying it, the isolation, loneliness, suffering, misery... ah ya Rabbi, we are but Your weak servants... our faith is so tiny that we have allowed the Masajids to remain closed even during the blessed month...ah I weep, I cry, my heart goes out to the empty Masajids, what should I do? What can we do if not pray? We hear the call of حي على الصلاة (rush to prayer) and حي على الفلاح (rush to success)... but we don't go to the Masajids in the fear of something insignificant and unseen, but we have forgotten to fear Thee, Who is Al Akbar (the Greatest) ya Allaah, it is no wonder that success doesn't reach us... forgive us ya Rabbi, forgive Your weak helpless servants ya Rahmana...

Everywhere one turns, we are bombarded by this disease, it is as if nothing good is happening anywhere at all except people suffering or dying by this disease. Deaths, even normal peaceful ones are being proclaimed as because of covid.

How is that we people forget that death never comes because of covid or black fungus or whatever else it is, but always, always it is because our Rabbu ta'Ala has decreed it so. Very easily we forget that every speck of life and death is in the Hands of Rabbul Alameen alone! If He SubhanaHu wa ta'Ala wills, we would die the next moment even before we could get up from the place we are sitting now, and if He 'Az wa Jal wishes then we would live healthily for another eighty years.

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