Ch-6 Ala inna auliyaa Allaah... (No doubt! Verily, the friends of Allaah...)

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                             In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.'

                                                         - Aameen.

Dedicated to the little sweetheart who has entered our lives, may Ar Rahman's choicest blessings be always upon you! Aameen ❤️

Chapter Six

Ala inna auliyaa Allaah... (No doubt! Verily, the friends of Allaah...)

Chennai, India

"Put that back from where you took it Adib!"

The little boy ignored his sister's command and continued to examine the quaint looking box.

Eagerly, he tried to pry it open with all his might, failing which, tapped it with a serious frown, and then shook it repeatedly. His efforts' reward was the jingle-jangling sound emanating from inside the pretty box, which seemed to delight him immensely.

"Money. So many coins." He grinned at his siblings, very pleased with the discovery.

"Adib!" the warning came again.

"I want one too!" Adil demanded, trying to snatch it from his twin. Glaring, Adib shoved the box safely behind his back.

"Nobody is having anything." Abida, their eldest sister announced, and after some scolding about proper behaviour in other peoples' home, took the box (forcefully) from her brother and kept it back in its former place.

Humaira entered the room just in time to hear Adib throw a loud tantrum, his twin supporting him in an equally shrill tone.

"Why, what's wrong?" she queried in concern, looking at the miserable scene before her.

The brothers sulked, and Abida reluctantly divulged what had occurred.

"Is that all?" Humaira smiled, the brown eyes twinkling. She took the box and kneeling to their level, held it towards them. "Shall I tell you what this is? In our home, every child has one such box. We call it SB."

"SB?" the twins echoed, forgetting their ill temper and displaying frank curiosity.

Humaira nodded, her pleasant smile lingering as they inched towards her.

"SB means Sadaqah Bank."

"Sadaqah Bank?" Anisa repeated questioningly, having entered the room just then with her younger sister Akifa.

"Didn't you guys ever had a money bank, a little rupee box where you saved all or some of the pocket money you received?" Humaira's gaze rested upon the three sisters. They replied in affirmative.

"But Anisa Di never saves anything; She spends it all," Akifa naively spilled about her sister, earning a sharp pinch and baleful glare in return.

"Oww Didi!" Akifa squealed, rubbing her stinging arm. Then she exacted vengeance by pulling her sister's long braid.

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