Ch-14 ...and Allaah Plans...وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ (Part 1.1)

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       In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendants and noble companions.'

- Aameen.

Dedicated to shezazee12 because you mentioned 'lights'  :D

Chapter Fourteen

وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ ...and Allaah Plans... (Part 1.1)

Kerala, India

From large arched windows poured the morning rays illuminating the airy room of the Masjid; the low chatter of the men was drowned by the loud cheery praise of the birds nesting on the surrounding trees... but the young man seated in the posture of Tashahhud was lost to all the morning splendour and joy as he listened intently to an elderly man who was speaking gently to another.

Saif followed carefully the words of his spiritual Mentor, though the advice was not meant for him. His Teacher appeared to choose his words with consideration as they issued forth slowly from his mouth... and Saif's reverent gaze rested on his tanned wrinkled face, upon the snowy beard that matched his long white hair which curled at his shoulders and he felt that it so good to be back just to see him once again in his pure white amamah and jhubba...and to hear those words that always spoke truth and wisdom.

After several minutes, his Mentor nodded at him with a welcoming smile.

"How have we been Syed saab?"

"Alhamdulillaah Hazrath." Saif grinned in response and as always he felt his heart lighten when his Guide nodded back saying with quiet fervour,

"Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil Alameen."

"It's been long since you were here," his Mentor observed and Saif saw how despite his wrinkled face, his eyes shone bright with a peculiar light.

"I want to come here every weekend to be with you Hazrath or at least every month but I had been away on leave as you know, then my younger sister Humaira got married... and I went to jamaath next, then when I came back the work became very demanding as I had to cover so much... we're having exams soon, please do Dua for me Hazrath," Saif said not meeting that gaze which seemed to pierce his very soul.

"You come here always just to ask Duas for your exams," his Spiritual Guide replied amused.

Saif chuckled. "You know me well Hazrath... but I'm spending this weekend in your khidmat if you permit in shaa Allaah."

"So that you get higher marks?" the eyes twinkled.

"I've worked hard too with His Fazal..." Saif smiled.

"Good. How is your dhikr progressing?"

"I'm managing... sort of..." Saif mumbled, still not raising his gaze but rather staring at the mat.

"Hmm... If you're completing all the adhkaar, shall I raise the dhikr's amount then?"

"What? No!" Saif pleaded finally looking at his Teacher. "I barely manage completing this ..."

"Syed saab, you must know that all the knowledge that you gain would be of no use if your own qalb is locked in darkness... provision it properly with constant dhikrullaah."

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