Ch-2 Ya Ibn 'Umar! Did you hear anything about An Najwa?

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.'

- Aameen

Dedicated to the most wonderful person, who gave Sadaqah for IYL's chapters. I'm indeed sorry, I couldn't find your comment, plus I couldn't recall your username, so wasn't able to dedicate this properly. But y'know who you're and I hope you will leave a comment or message in shaa Allah :) for being such a dear, jazak Allaahu Firdaus!


Ya Ibn 'Umar! Did you hear anything about An Najwa?

Minnesota, U.S.A.

"No matter how many times I have seen you do it, you still have me in awe." Rumaiza declared in mock wonder, looking at her friend Taseen who was blissfully stuffing her third slice of pizza.

"Yea how do you do that?" Bilqis asked with exaggerated surprise. "It's humanly impossible the way you eat so much in so little time..."

Taseen gave them both a baleful glare and with her full mouth mumbled something that sounded like 'bad friends - casting evil eyes -"

Maryam laughed and said, "Alright alright, at least say ma shaa Allah girls!"

"No Maryam it's not that," Bilqis shook her head mournfully, popping a mini cupcake into her mouth. "She doesn't even become fat! While I have to watch every single thing I eat or else..." She indicated towards her own voluptuous figure.

Rumaiza agreed, having to deal with the same woes while Taseen grinned, shamelessly digging next into some cheese fries.

Maryam smiled, and looked at the three friends who were visiting her and had made themselves completely at home.

"It's good to keep tabs on your health and nice to have a great figure," Maryam acknowledged, "but there's no need to become obsessed about it."

Bilqis raised her brows. "Says the one who aspired to be a model."

Maryam sighed. "That's why I know what's worth and what's not. Been there, done that."

"You know Maryam," Taseen spoke seriously, pausing between her incessant munching which made her friends chuckle involuntarily. "Looking at you now, no one would ever believe all that you say... sometimes I'm sure that you have greater Emaan than us all."

Maryam lowered her gaze, trying to mask her sudden uneasiness.

"I know right," Rumaiza agreed while Bilqis nodded, her light brown eyes smiling warmly at Maryam.

"After getting to know you all these days, sometimes I do have this feeling that you share a special connection with Allaah 'Aza wa Jal," Rumaiza added with a smile.

"Wish I was like you," Taseen observed wistfully, forgetting the snacks for the first time in the past fifteen minutes.

Maryam flashed her a subdued look of anger. "Don't!"


"Please -" Maryam raised her palm in a stalling gesture. "You don't know what you're talking...I'm not... not like what you all think..." She breathed a shuddering sigh.

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