Ch-21 Blessings of Mashwarah

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendants and noble companions.'

- Aameen.

Dedicated to @ukhtmads for the comment that made me smile, jazak Allahu khair :)

Chapter Twenty-One

Blessings of Mashwarah (mutual consultation)

London, U.K

The chill breeze flitted through the flimsy curtains in the Prayer Room where the tall man stood facing the Qiblah and his voice, though not melodious, was loud and clear as the Fajr adhaan was called out,

"Assalaatu khayrum min an-naum!"

(Prayer is better than sleep!)

"Assalaatu khayrum min an-naum!"

(Prayer is better than sleep!)

"Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar!"

(Allah is the Greatest Allah is the Greatest!)

"Laa ilaha illal Laah!"

(There is no god but Allah!)

It had taken weeks, almost a month for Humaira to persuade Ahmed to proclaim the adhaan whenever Salah time came when he was at home, especially during the Fajr. Now in the cold dawns, Ahmed always felt awe as peace and soothing tranquillity surrounded him as he completed the blessed call of Prayer.

But today his peace was disrupted, because even before the adhaan had ended, there was impatient ringing and loud knocking at the front door. Humaira who had been replying to the adhaan looked at her husband who frowned at the interruption as he said, "Assalaatu khayrum min an-naum!"

He waved at Humaira to go and check, so she hurried wondering what had occurred to whom, why was there such a dreadful racket so early in the morning. But when she checked she could only make out a man's bowed form still knocking on the door; she was thinking of asking what's wrong when Ahmed joined her.

Humaira hurried back inside just as Ahmed opened the door and scowled at the young man standing before him, his fist raised in a knock.

"Is there a fire?" Ahmed barked as he noted that the man swayed where he stood, his eyes blood-shot. Obviously drunk; where the heck was the security?

"Stop it, I say, stop it!" the man glared back.

"I thought you were making the awful noise. Should I call the security?"

"I rang them! But they're saying they can't do anything about it, so I came here to stop it!"

"Stop what?" Ahmed was having a hard time controlling his temper.

"What you were doing... just ...just stop."

Thinking physical violence won't be a good idea Ahmed tried to close the door.

"No! No, please, why did you say it, why did you say the adhaan?" the man almost pleaded.

"To pray, obviously;" Ahmed now looked closely than before; pale brown skin, black and messy hair, light stubble, Jaws t-shirt and shorts, and of course drunk.

"You're a ...Muslim?" the man lurched then steadied himself.

"I'm, Alhamdulillaah."

"Me too..." he whispered, as if realizing something strange about oneself.

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