Ch-10 O Lord of the weak You are my Lord too

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       In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

'Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.'

- Aameen.

Dedicated to silverduchess for your beautiful comment on the previous chapter.

p.s. your username is fascinating :)

Chapter Ten

O Lord of the weak You are my Lord too

Chennai, India

"Ammi, can I hold him please please please?" Umar begged as he circled Kadhija who was cradling Nasrullaah as she admonished her daughter softly,

"You can't eat four idiyappams? Where will you get the strength to feed him?"

"I ate Ammiji," Saira replied tiredly. "I just want to sleep."

"You can forget that until he is at least one..." Kadhija murmured with a twinkle. Her little smile lit up her worn out face; she had not slept much since her daughter had been admitted two days before for delivery.

"What? I can't hold him until he's one?" Umar protested standing still for a moment.

"Not you," Kadhija shook her head then said looking at her daughter, "I meant you can forget sleep until he's a year old..."

"Ya Allaah no..." Saira blanched. Everything inside her still ached and she felt utterly bruised wishing that she could just sleep a whole year away.

"Some babies get the pattern of night sleep quickly, but others don't... let us hope he adjusts soon in shaa Allaah."

"Aameen," Saira said fervently looking at her son who looked peaceful in his sleep, more like a crumpled petal and she did not know what to do with this fierce love and pride that welled up from the depths of her soul as she gazed at him.


"Don't shout Umar or you'll wake him," Kadhija chided as she shifted Nasrullah to the other arm. The baby stirred a little, his tiny bud of a mouth opening and closing though his eyes remained shut.

"Sorry," Umar whispered but looked pleadingly at his mother.

"Umar Farooq, you should have gone to school today..." his mother scolded good-naturedly. "Didn't you hold him yesterday?"

"But that was yesterday Ammiji!" he hovered near his nephew bestowing longing glances at the tiny face. Just like a doll, he concluded in wonder. A perfect doll.

"Ya Allaah sit down then," Kadhija sighed in defeat.

"Oh really? Jazak Allaahu khair." Umar shot a pleased grin at Saira then sat down with an air of importance. His sister smiled back fondly.

"Careful now," Kadhija warned and placed the little bundled form on his lap. Umar seemed to become lost in awe.

The mother and daughter shared amused glances.

"Ammi?" the voice was filled with amazement.


"Would he really become big one day?"

"Yes in shaa Allaah."

"Like me Ammi?"

Saira grinned and Kadhija shook her head with a smile as she replied,

"Yes perhaps he would become like you..."

"Then Saira Di, can I? That is, would you mind if I teach him to play cricket?"

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