Chapter 1

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"Bill." I lifted my head, hearing my name. My boss was standing in the doorway, his expression telling me I will not like what he is about to say. I nodded my head, inviting him in.

"I am sorry to barge in on you like this and trust me if I could, I would ask anyone else, but," he sighed and stopped avoiding my eyes, "this must get into the right hands and I trust you the most." My eyes went from his to the pile in his hands.

"You want me to go to Gringotts and deliver these papers?" I smiled. It wasn't a big deal. I did it all the time and I had an excuse to see her.

"I know you're supposed to go home tomorrow for the Christmas holidays and I always do this to you and..."

Derek was an amazing boss. He was strict and knew how to be harsh but deep inside he was the nicest person you can meet.

"Derek, it's not a problem, really," I assured him. I could see relief in his expression. "I wanted to go there before I leave to the Burrow anyway."

"You're finally going to do it?" He smirked at me. I felt my cheeks turn pink and I sucked in a breath. I had to keep it together in front of him even though he was the only one who knew I had a thing for Rhylee.

"I'm just inviting her to spend the holidays with my family. Nothing big." I lied.

"Oh, c'mon! Ask her out already!" Derek rolled his eyes. "I don't have enough paperwork for you to apparate from Egypt to London once per week to see her." He laughed.

"Ha-ha. Very funny. I'll ask her once we get back." I took the papers from his hands. "If she'll say yes, of course."

"You have been friends with her for almost 3 years and you fancy her for more than half of that, what's with the stalling?" He crossed his arms on his chest.

"Give me a break, it's complicated." I sighed.

"That's an excuse and you know it." He tapped my shoulder and started towards the door. "Just do it before you get even deeper into the friendzone." He said and walked out.

He was right. I was stalling and at this point, I didn't even know why I was doing it.

I met Rhylee almost 3 years ago when I was bringing a treasure chest to Gringotts. Because it was really valuable, I had to take it all the way down to the most secured vault. That was the first time I saw a dragon. I heard a rumor that the Bank had them guarding the most secured vaults in the entire facility but I thought it wasn't true.

I wasn't as big on dragons as my brother Charlie, but even I thought it wasn't fair to them. They were keeping them in the damp, dark corners of the cave systems. No sunlight, no freedom. And they were keeping them a secret. Only people who worked at Gringotts and a few others – Curse Breakers like me – knew about them.

I wasn't careful when I approached the vault I had to store the chest in. They forgot to tell me that I was supposed to announce myself to one of the dragon tamers so that they would hold off the creature. The dragon launched at me almost roasting me with its flames. It was Rhylee who saved me. I was lucky she was there to feed it.

She came out of nowhere and handled that dragon like it was nobody's business and she still managed to look beautiful while doing so. She asked me if I was insane and what I was doing so deep down – her wand ready to duel me.

She thought I was trying to break into one of the vaults. I didn't blame her. I was probably the only idiot who went so deep without an escort. I explained my business and she started laughing when she realized that nobody told me about the procedure of getting to the high-security vaults.

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