Chapter 17

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It's been a few weeks since Rhylee and I fought. It didn't make matters better for us but at least she has been coming to work on time and we can function properly as a group. The only time she spoke to me alone was when she told me that the Ministry sent her the date of the trial.

I offered to accompany her but she declined immediately. I didn't press the matter further as I saw I was getting nowhere. She had her good days but the bad days outweighed them. I felt sorry for her and even more, I felt helpless. I didn't know how to help her even though I still wanted to.

I know she needed help. She needed someone to talk to her. This was getting way out of hand and the feeling I got that all of her behavior had a deeper meaning behind it grew stronger. She kept disappearing the second we finished work Merlins knows where and I ran out of places to search for her.

Did I feel like giving up?
But did I have a choice?
I don't even know anymore.

I thought about talking to Bill about it but I couldn't see how he could help me. He would just say that I should tell her how I feel but me being in love with her can't fix whatever she is going through.

I miss her so much. It's the strangest feeling when she is standing a few meters away from me, pretending to be deep in work, clearly preoccupied with her thoughts, and I miss her. I miss her energy and her spark and love for work and dragons. She lost all of that and it seems as if she is only drifting further away. I was genuinely afraid for her but I just didn't know what to do.

I have never been in a situation like this with a friend before and I don't know anyone who has. I don't know if this was because of her prick boyfriend or because of the trial, even though she told me it went great and they are waiting for the date of the next one. I hated that I couldn't figure her out. That I couldn't read her mind and do something about her sorrow.

I woke up one morning from what seemed like another sleepless night. I know that I shouldn't beat myself so much over this and move on with my life. Everyone was telling me to do so but I can't. When you love someone as much as I love her, you don't just let them go, you fight for them.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I moved the curtain that was keeping my bedroom dark and looked outside. Cloudy. Why is it never sunny on my day off? I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. What can I do? Where can I take her to make her smile? Just for a second if I can't get more out of her. How can I make her talk to me and make her trust me on a level where she would tell me what is making her so miserable?

A knock on the door made me lift my head. I got up and went to grab some pants. Did I miscalculate? Was I supposed to work today?

I stopped in the doorway of my bedroom and covered my eyes with my hand. Even though the sun was hidden behind clouds the brightness of my living room still hurt my eyes. Someone knocked again.

"Coming!" I announced myself.

Give me a break whoever you are.

I opened the door and swallowed my words. It was Bill, with the biggest grin plastered over his face. He was holding something behind his back. I take it all back. Merlin was I happy to see him!

"Bill! What are you doing here?" I gestured for him to come inside.

"I took the liberty to write to Peter to see when you have a day off." I didn't think his grin could get any bigger but it did. He revealed two bottles of Fire Whiskey from behind his back. "I think it's time we celebrate me being engaged!"

"I thought the day would never come!" He stepped inside and I closed the door behind him.

He walked over to the kitchen table and placed the bottles down.

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