Chapter 13

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The next day Bill and I visited the twins' shop. I don't think I have ever been so proud in my entire life. It was amazing and I just couldn't stop walking around. They were brilliant and I hope mum comes around and visits their shop. I know they left school early but this was their dream and their shop was packed with customers!

There were wizards and witches of all ages. I thought it would mostly be children and teenagers but I was wrong. An old woman was shopping for her grandchildren. There was a man who wanted to get back at his wife for making a potion that turned his hair yellow and he had to go to work like that for 3 days.

Nothing warmed my heart more than seeing my brothers so happy. They were so educated about every single thing in the shop. Girls were giggling around something that looked like Amortentia potions and three boys were fighting about who will get the last punching telescope. It was amazing!

I found Bill just in time as Fred and George almost convinced him to buy a box of Canary Cream and gift it to Fleur. I stopped him right when he was about to give them the money and scolded him that he should know our brothers better by now.

We couldn't stay for long as Bill had to return to work so we hugged the twins and wished them all the best and promised that we would convince mum to visit their shop. I accompanied Bill to work and he gave me a big box before we said goodbye. I knew it contained all his letters.

"I saw how you were eyeing them," he said, handing me the box. "You don't have to read them but since they were meant for you, you can if you want to."

We talked well into the night the previous day and I know there wasn't enough time for him to tell me everything that has been going on in his life in the past 2 years. I know it would hurt reading them, but I also know it was something that I simply have to do to move on.

He kept telling me that it wasn't that bad and that he is over it. I believed him about the latter, not for the former though and I have to know how he felt. I have to know how much I hurt him if I want to forgive myself. These letters will be a reminder of what I did and how much I hurt my brother.

I got home in the afternoon and since I go back to work tomorrow, I decided that it would be best if I just go through the letters now to get them over with. I sat down on the sofa and put the box on the table before me. I opened it and took a deep breath.

This is going to be painful, isn't it?

The letters were folded from the first one he wrote to the last one. I took the first envelope and tore it open. I inhaled sharply and unfolded the parchment.

I know you'll be mad. But I didn't do it yet. I promise I'll ask her out tomorrow.
Don't be too disappointed!

Love, Bill

I clenched my jaw together. Can I even do this? I barely began and I already felt like having a heart attack. I put the letter down next to me and grabbed the next envelope.

Rhylee told me what happened between you two. I don't know what to say. I just sent out a letter to you, pretending everything is fine. When are you planning on telling me this?
I wish it was you and not her that told me.


Me too, Bill. Me too. If I could change one thing it would be this. I would tell him immediately.

It's been a few months and you keep answering my letters as if everything's okay. I stopped sending them every week like I used to, to see if you would get the hint. Why do you keep pretending?
It hurts that your own brother can't face you.
I thought you were my best friend, Charles.

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