Chapter 7

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9 months later...

I woke up to a knock on my door. I put on some pants and went to see who it was.

"Peter, what's wrong?" I looked at the clock on the wall.

It wasn't even 5 in the morning.

"I'm just passing by to tell you that you should go see Ernie before you finish work today." He was leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. "We are getting 2 new dragons soon and I think we'll need more people."

"Sure." I nodded sluggishly and rubbed my eyes.

"I want to add a person to your team. I know you can handle it but I don't want you working extra hours when we can expand our crew." He explained.
"What do you need me to do?" I yawned.

"I picked someone with an impressive resume. Ernie will have the paperwork for you to fill out and just make sure you send it back tomorrow morning."

"No problem. I'll get it done." I gave him a thumbs up.

He grinned at me and walked away.

A newbie. This should be fun! I never got to train anyone before. Everyone that I work with was already here before I arrived so I can't lie that I was excited about this. I knew that Ernie wasn't in so early in the morning and by the looks of the clouds I wouldn't be able to see the sunrise today so I decided to go straight to Aami.

He was outside now. He had his own little habitat and everything! His wing never grew as Tina and I hoped it would so he will never be able to fly. He didn't care as much as I felt bad about it. He was such a cheerful dragon and obedient too. I love every single beast in this reserve but I can't help to admit that the little Fireball became my favorite. He wasn't little anymore, he was a head taller than me now but I will always see him as he was in the nursery when I watched him drink chicken blood and brandy.

As I promised Peter I went to the Admission Office after work.

"Hi, Ernie." I greeted him when I stepped inside.

"Charlie!" He grinned at me.

He was the most cheerful person I will probably ever get a chance to meet.

"Peter said you have some papers for me?" I leaned on the counter.

"Right! The recruit!" He clapped. "Not going to lie, was a bit surprised when I saw it. Don't tell Peter that I peeked."

"I won't." I chuckled. He placed the papers in front of me. "Any letters for me?"

"Not today, no." Ernie looked through the pile of envelopes that weren't delivered yet.

"Have anything to send out?"

"No." I shook my head. "But I do need to sign these and I need to send them first thing in the morning. When will you be here?"

"At seven. Is that too late?" He scratched his nose.

"No. That's perfect. Thanks, Ernie."

I gave him a high-five and said goodbye. I looked through the papers while walking back home and stopped when I saw the name on the application.

Rhylee Pertinger

No way! I took a deep breath. It can't be her. I couldn't know for sure because I didn't even know her last name. There are many Rhylee's out there, right?

I hurried to unlock the door, placed the pieces of parchment on my kitchen table, and sat down. I went through them. No resume. No details about who she was or where she was from. Just the name. It would be too much of a coincidence if it was her! Merlin can't mess with me so much.

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