Chapter 6

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One year later...

"Good morning." I sang opening the door to the nursery.

"Charlie, hi!" Tina almost banged her head on the counter, getting up. "You're early."

"Did you sleep here again?" I frowned at her.

"No. I just dropped a bottle on the floor." She was one of the clumsiest people I know. She reminded me so much of my friend Tonks from Hogwarts, except that her hair was black and not hot pink. "You know he can live without you for more than 5 hours."

"I know, but I missed him and I couldn't sleep anyway." I looked at the clock on the wall.

Half-past five in the morning. I already came in later than usual.

"Okay. Let me take you to your son." She chuckled and stepped away from the counter. "If he's still sleeping and you wake him up, you'll be dealing with him I'm warning you."

"I know. I don't mind." I smiled.

I followed her through the corridor and waited for her to unlock the door.

"It doesn't sound like he's sleeping." I placed my hands on my ears to muffle the sound.

"He's doing well this week," Tina said proudly.

"Hi, Aami. How are you, little guy?" I approached the fence slowly, my hand in front of me.

"Perhaps a few more days and we'll be able to do a gender reveal." I turned around at Tina's words, sparks in my eyes.

"We can do a gender reveal cake then." I giggled to myself.

"What?" Tina asked confused.

"It's something Muggles do, I'm told." I kneeled next to him, admiring his every move.

"Your dad told you that?" She laughed.

I hummed in reply, not taking my eyes off Aami.

"Isn't he the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, Tina?" I said in a dreamy voice.

"I would say he got it after you, but it looks like he only got your stubborn personality." She joked.

"Ha-ha." I rolled my eyes at her. "Do you think he'll ever fly?"

I slowly extended my arm through the fence so I could touch his beautiful crimson wing. Aami was collateral damage when Victor Krum accidentally made the Chinese Fireball step on her eggs while he was retrieving his golden egg. Aami's egg was cracked but he somehow survived thanks to Tina.

She was the nurse who took care of eggs and helped premature hatchlings to grow strong. Then we had a team who would train them and help them fly. The mother dragon is usually supposed to do that but if the baby doesn't hatch next to her, she doesn't want it. That's where our team steps in and helps them with everything, from feeding to firebreathing and flying.

Aami's left wing was badly hurt due to the egg's collision with the ground and was growing slower than his right one. Even though Tina was optimistic and said that he is showing progress every single day, we still didn't know if his wing would ever fully grow. If it doesn't, he would never be able to fly.

I don't blame Viktor for what happened that day. I was watching him retrieving the egg and I know he didn't do it on purpose. It happens. It was more our fault that we brought our mother Fireball to the tournament. It was a bad idea.

She was one of the most stubborn and untamed dragons but the Ministry insisted. We shouldn't have allowed it. She was too attached to her eggs and she snapped, stomping on them in the process.

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