Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning wishing I was dreaming. I felt like not getting out of bed at all but I will not allow my feelings to interfere with my job. It was the only good thing I had going for me now that I lost all hope of ever being more than friends with Rhylee.

I got up and thanked Merlin when I saw that it was cloudy. If I would go to watch the sunrise and she would be there, I don't know what I would do. I was so upset last night that I forgot to check my team's schedule for the next month.

I was still determined to fix my relationship with Bill. I simply have to. It's time to return to my roots – being grateful for my job and being the best sibling I can be. That's what I was all about before I met Rhylee and my world turned upside down.

I sighed and got out of bed. I sat down at the kitchen table, the timetable in front of me. Theo has two days off this week and so does Evan. John and Andrew are free the week after that. And then I could take time off when Rhylee comes back. It was hard to be two people short at once during mating season so we had to plan accordingly.

It's settled then, I will go and visit Bill at work in three weeks. Hopefully, he won't slam the door in my face. I still can't believe what an idiot I am. I really messed up.

I decided to go to the nearby village and check out their library for books I could give Rhylee for her case. I didn't want to be a part of it anymore but I didn't want to show her how much she hurt me either. The sooner it's over the better. And I wanted to help the dragon. I don't want a single one to be executed if there is anything I can do to prevent it.

I could apparate to the library but I decided to walk instead. It's supposed to be my day off anyway and why not take it for once. I don't remember the last time I had a day off and if last night isn't good enough of a reason for me to take a little break then I don't know what is.

My mind was completely blank walking there. I didn't have the energy to think about anything. Every time Rhylee or last night came to mind I tried to shake it off. I can't think about it because it breaks my heart all over again and I can't keep doing this to myself.

I only had a broken heart once before. It was when Emma and I broke up the summer after we graduated from Hogwarts. We started dating a month before our sixth year and we were very happy together. She was my first love and I wouldn't change a thing. When I found out I got a job at the Sanctuary we started to talk about our future. She applied for a position to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Ilvermony and when she got her letter we knew it will be very difficult for us to see each other.

We both started right after graduation and we barely had the time to write to each other during summer. I was busy learning, getting acquainted with all the dragons, and getting assimilated to the working schedule and she had to train all summer and prepare to start the semester in September. When we finally had a chance to see each other in August, we both knew it's not going to work out no matter how much we would like to try long-distance.

We agreed that it's better if we go our separate ways and broke up. The only time we communicate now is when we send each other a birthday card.

It hurt, letting her go, but at least it was my decision. At least I knew what I was doing and I had a clean slate. This was nothing like it and it terrified me that I was still so attracted to Rhylee even though I don't know what she was playing at. It's like I just can't let her go.

I spend a few hours in the library, going through books, making notes, trying to think of anything that might provide evidence of the dragon's innocence. I was glad I decided to go. It was a good distraction and I forgot just how much I love reading, checking facts, and learning something new, especially if it had to do with dragons and other creatures.

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